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Deadlock Build

Deadlock Abrams Build

Updated on Nov 26, 2024
Nov 26, 2024


This build was created by Sharky. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Abrams by sharky" (BuildID: 22450)

Abrams is a close range bruiser that dives into the enemy back line or engages in the front lines to create space and chaos. Currently Abramsis best when building for tank and gun damage, which allows him to have great survivability.

Early Game

  • Your first items should be Melee Lifesteal or Extra Health depending on whether you struggle in lane matchup.

  • Close Quarters and Extra Regen are 2 key items in a solo lane.

  • After putting 1 point into your Infernal Resilience and Shoulder Chargecombo, charge with heavy melee and shotgun bursts to get high value out of close quarters along with Spirit Strike.

Melee Lifesteal500 souls
Extra Regen500 souls
Ammo Scavenger500 souls
Spirit Strike500 souls
Extra Health500 souls
Close Quarters500 souls

Mid Game

  • The first items that should be bought in the mid game will be Kinetic Dash and Melee Charge. Try to combo Shoulder Charge with Spirit Strike for big burst damage.

  • Since Abrams typically isn't very mobile outside of his Seismic Impact you are going to want Slowing Hex which makes closing the gap easier on targets with higher mobility.

  • Bullet Resist Shredder is also a good item for Abrams combo after Shoulder Charge for reducing bullet resistance on targets.

  • Enduring Speed to reduce movement slow effects, Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor for increased survivability after selling Extra Health and Extra Regen to free up slots.

  • Remember Shoulder Charge is good for combos and doing damage, but it can also be used as an escape tool, especially with Duration Extender.

Kinetic Dash1,250 souls
Melee Charge1,250 souls
Enduring Speed1,750 souls
Bullet Resist Shredder1,250 souls
Duration Extender1,250 souls
Slowing Hex1,250 souls
Bullet Armor1,250 souls
Spirit Armor1,250 souls

Late Game

  • If you are ahead, the first flex slot can be spent on Hunter's Aura.

  • Upgrading the Tier 1 gun item to Point Blank increases bullet resistance and increases weapon damage severely in a 15m radius.

  • The first big purchase on Abrams is Vampiric Burst which increases lifesteal, fire rate, and ammo while also increasing weapon damage overall by 25%. This active is on 35s cooldown so it can be used a lot during teamfights.

  • After the first big purchase your damage is high but now Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor are needed as enemies are scaling and you need to become more tanky.

  • The final late game gun item Frenzy make his increased movement speed, fire rate, and spirit resist while adding 30% weapon damage overall giving him more sustain when used with Vampiric Burst.

Hunter's Aura3,000 souls
Point Blank3,500 souls
Vampiric Burst6,200 souls
Improved Bullet Armor4,250 souls
Improved Spirit Armor4,250 souls
Frenzy6,200 souls

Luxury and Situational Items

  • In the case of an enemy having a lot of lifesteal, Healbane is a must buy and gives you heal upon kill.

  • Phantom Strike is always a good purchase to shutdown an enemy carry.

  • Debuff Reducer or Debuff Remover are great options against teams with large amounts of debuffs and stuns, especially against Knockdown and Slowing Hex.

  • Curse prevents item usage and is a good counter for a really fed player or a player specifically countering you.

  • Another good item for added movement to Abrams is Warp Stone which also gives weapon damage and added bullet resist temporarily.

  • Superior Stamina is an alternative to enduring speed which gives more stamina and increased fire rate.

  • Refresher is another good option for increased mobility of the double Seismic Impact.

Warp Stone3,000 souls
Healbane1,250 souls
Colossus6,200 souls
Phantom Strike6,200 souls
Debuff Remover4,250 souls
Refresher6,200 souls
Superior Stamina3,500 souls
Curse6,200 souls

Ability Point Order

siphon lifeshoulder chargeinfernal resilienceseismic impact

00 skill

00 skill

00 skill

00 skill

01 skill

01 skill

02 skill

01 skill

02 skill

05 skill

02 skill

05 skill
01 skill

02 skill

05 skill

05 skill

Abrams Guide

Check out our Abrams Guide and Overview