What’s New in Teamfight Tactics Set 3?
TFT Set 3: Galaxies set is finally arriving and with it comes brand new champions, origins, classes, and even brand new board mechanics.
In this article, we’ll be highlighting the new classes and origins and linking to each champion’s page so you can explore more. Keep in mind that since this is the PBE release, the numbers are subject to change.
Be sure to check out our separate guide that covers all the Set 3 champions and their abilities.
New TFT Set 3: Galaxies Origins
There are 10 Origins in TFT’s Set 3 – they are:
- Celestial
- Chrono
- Cybernetic
- Dark Star
- Mech-Pilot
- Rebel
- Space Pirate
- Star Guardian
- Valkyrie
- Void
In the sections below, we’ll be covering what each Origin does as well as the units that are included.
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Celestial (5 Units)
- All allies heal for 12% (2), 30% (4), 55% (6) of the damage they deal.
- Celestial Units
- Xayah (1-cost)
- Celestial + Blademaster
- Kassadin (2-cost)
- Celestial + Mana-Reaver
- Rakan (2-cost)
- Celestial + Protector
- Xin Zhao (2-cost)
- Celestial + Protector
- Ashe (3-cost)
- Celestial Sniper
- Lulu (5-cost)
- Celestial + Mystic
- Xayah (1-cost)
- Celestial Units
Chrono (7 Units)
- All allies gain 10% (2), 20% (4), 40% (6) attack speed every 4 seconds.
- Chrono Units
- Twisted Fate (1-cost)
- Chrono + Sorcerer
- Caitlyn (1-cost)
- Chrono + Sniper
- Shen (2-cost)
- Chrono + Blademaster
- Blitzcrank (2-cost)
- Chrono + Brawler
- Ezreal (3-cost)
- Chrono + Blaster
- Wukong (4-cost)
- Chrono + Vanguard
- Thresh (5-cost)
- Chrono + Mana-Reaver
- Twisted Fate (1-cost)
- Chrono Units
Cybernetic (6 Units)
- Cybernetics with an item gain 30 AD and 300 HP (3), 75 AD and 750 HP (6).
- Cybernetic Units
- Leona (1-cost)
- Cybernetic + Vanguard
- Fiora (1-cost)
- Cybernetic + Blademaster
- Lucian (2-cost)
- Cybernetic + Blaster
- Vi (3-cost)
- Cybernetic + Brawler
- Irelia (4-cost)
- Cybernetic + Mana-Reaver + Blademaster
- Ekko (5-cost)
- Cybernetic + Infiltrator
- Leona (1-cost)
- Cybernetic Units
Dark Star (6 Units)
- When a Dark Star dies, it gives +30% (3), +50% (6) increased damage, plus previous stacks of this effect, to the nearest ally Dark Star.
- Dark Star Units
- Jarvan IV (1-cost)
- Dark Star + Protector
- Mordekaiser (2-cost)
- Dark Star + Vanguard
- Lux (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Sorcerer
- Karma (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Mystic
- Shaco (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Infiltrator
- Jhin (4-cost)
- Dark Star + Sniper
- Jarvan IV (1-cost)
- Dark Star Units
Mech-Pilot (3 Units)
- At the start of combat, 3 random Mech-Pilot champs are merged into a Super-Mech until it dies (3).
- Mech-Pilot Units
- Annie (2-cost)
- Mech-Pilot + Sorcerer
- Rumble (3-cost)
- Mech-Pilot + Demolitionist
- Fizz (4-cost)
- Mech-Pilot + Infiltrator
- Annie (2-cost)
- Mech-Pilot Units
Rebel (7 Units)
- At start of combat, Rebels gain a 125 (3), 200 (6) health shield for 8 seconds and 10% (3), 15% (6) increased damage for each adjacent Rebel.
- Rebel Units
- Ziggs (1-cost)
- Rebel + Demolitionist
- Malphite (1-cost)
- Rebel + Brawler
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Rebel + Blademaster
- Sona (2-cost)
- Rebel + Mystic
- Master Yi (3-cost)
- Rebel + Blademaster
- Jinx (4-cost)
- Rebel + Blaster
- Aurelion Sol (5-cost)
- Rebel + Starship
- Ziggs (1-cost)
- Rebel Units
Space Pirate (4 Units)
- 50% chance to drop 1g (2), and 10% to drop an item (4) whenever a Space Pirate lands a killing blow.
- Space Pirate Units
- Graves (1-cost)
- Space Pirate + Blaster
- Darius (2-cost)
- Space Pirate + Mana-Reaver
- Jayce (3-cost)
- Space Pirate + Vanguard
- Gangplank (5-cost)
- Space Pirate + Mercenary + Demolitionist
- Graves (1-cost)
- Space Pirate Units
Star Guardian (6 Units)
- Whenever a Star Guardian casts, distributes 10 (3), 20 (6) mana among all other Star Guardians.
- Star Guardian Units
- Poppy (1-cost)
- Star Guardian + Vanguard
- Zoe (1-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Ahri (2-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Neeko (3-cost)
- Star Guardian + Protector
- Syndra (3-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Soraka (4-cost)
- Star Guardian + Mystic
- Poppy (1-cost)
- Star Guardian Units
Valkyrie (3 Units)
- Valkyrie attacks and spells always crit targets below 50% health.
- Valkyrie Units
- Kai’Sa (2-cost)
- Valkyrie + Infiltrator
- Kayle (4-cost)
- Valkyrie + Blademaster
- Miss Fortune (5-cost)
- Valkyrie + Blaster + Mercenary
- Kai’Sa (2-cost)
- Valkyrie Units
Void (3 Units)
- Void champs deal True Damage (3).
- Void Units
- Kha’Zix (1-cost)
- Void + Infiltrator
- Vel’Koz (4-cost)
- Void + Sorcerer
- Cho’Gath (4-cost)
- Void + Brawler
- Kha’Zix (1-cost)
- Void Units
New Set 3: Galaxies Classes Summary
There are 13 Classes in TFT’s Set 3 – they are:
- Blademaster
- Blaster
- Brawler
- Demolitionist
- Infiltrator
- Mana-Reaver
- Mercenary
- Mystic
- Protector
- Sorcerer
- Sniper
- Starship
- Vanguard
Blademaster (7 Units)
- 25% (3), 50% (6) chance on hit for Blademasters to attack two extra times
- Blademaster Units
- Xayah (1-cost)
- Celestial Blademaster
- Fiora (1-cost)
- Cybernetic Blademaster
- Shen (2-cost)
- Chrono + Blademaster
- Yasuo (2-cost)
- Rebel + Blademaster
- Master Yi (3-cost)
- Rebel + Blademaster
- Kayle (4-cost)
- Valkyrie + Blademaster
- Irelia (4-cost)
- Cybernetic + Mana-Reaver + Blademaster
- Xayah (1-cost)
- Blademaster Units
Blaster (5 Units)
- Every fifth Blaster attack fires two (2), four (4) additional attacks which deal double damage.
- Blaster Units
- Graves (1-cost)
- Space Pirate + Blaster
- Lucian (2-cost)
- Cybernetic + Blaster
- Ezreal (3-cost)
- Chrono + Blaster
- Jinx (4-cost)
- Rebel + Blaster
- Miss Fortune (5-cost)
- Valkyrie + Blaster + Mercenary
- Graves (1-cost)
- Blaster Units
Brawler (4 Units)
- Brawlers gain bonus Health.
- Brawler Units
- Malphite (1-cost)
- Rebel + Brawler
- Blitzcrank (2-cost)
- Chrono + Brawler
- Vi (3-cost)
- Cybernetic + Brawler
- Cho’Gath (4-cost)
- Void + Brawler
- Malphite (1-cost)
- Brawler Units
Demolitionist (4 Units)
- Demolitionist spells stun targets they hit for 2.5 seconds (2).
- Demolitionist Units
- Ziggs (1-cost)
- Rebel + Demolitionist
- Rumble (3-cost)
- Mech Pilot + Demolitionist
- Gangplank (5-cost)
- Space Pirate + Mercenary + Demolitionist
- Ziggs (1-cost)
- Demolitionist Units
Infiltrator (5 Units)
- Passive: Infiltrators jump to the back of enemy territory at the start of combat. Infiltrators gain 60% Attack Speed for the first 8 seconds of combat.
- Infiltrator Units
- Kha’Zix (1-cost)
- Void + Infiltrator
- Kai’Sa (2-cost)
- Valkyrie + Infiltrator
- Shaco (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Infiltrator
- Fizz (4-cost)
- Mech-Pilot + Infiltrator
- Ekko (5-cost)
- Cybernetic + Infiltrator
- Kha’Zix (1-cost)
- Infiltrator Units
Mana-Reaver (4 Units)
- Mana-Reaver’s first attack (2), all attacks (4) increase the cost of their target’s next spell cast by 40%.
- Mana-Reaver Units
- Darius (2-cost)
- Space Pirate + Mana-Reaver
- Kassadin (3-cost)
- Celestial + Mana-Reaver
- Irelia (4-cost)
- Cybernetic + Mana-Reaver + Blademaster
- Thresh (5-cost)
- Chrono + Mana-Reaver
- Darius (2-cost)
- Mana-Reaver Units
Mercenary (2 Units)
- Mercenaries can be paid gold to upgrade their abilities (1).
- Mercenary Units
- Gangplank (5-cost)
- Space Pirate + Mercenary + Demolitionist
- Miss Fortune (5-cost)
- Valkyrie + Blaster + Mercenary
- Gangplank (5-cost)
- Mercenary Units
Mystic (4 Units)
- +40 (2), 120 (4) Magic Resist for team.
- Sona (2-cost)
- Rebel + Mystic
- Karma (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Mystic
- Soraka (4-cost)
- Star Guardian + Mystic
- Lulu (5-cost)
- Celestial + Mystic
- Sona (2-cost)
Protector (4 Units)
- Protectors gain a shield for 15% (2), 35% (4) of their max health for 3 seconds whenever they cast.
- Jarvan IV (1-cost)
- Dark Star + Protector
- Rakan (2-cost)
- Celestial + Protector
- Xin Zhao (2-cost)
- Celestial + Protector
- Neeko (3-cost)
- Star Guardian + Protector
- Jarvan IV (1-cost)
Sorcerer (7 Units)
- All allies gain +20% (2), +45% (4), +120% (6) increased Spell Power.
- Twisted Fate (1-cost)
- Chrono + Sorcerer
- Zoe (1-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Ahri (2-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Annie (2-cost)
- Mech-Pilot + Sorcerer
- Lux (3-cost)
- Dark Star + Sorcerer
- Syndra (3-cost)
- Star Guardian + Sorcerer
- Vel’Koz (4-cost)
- Void + Sorcerer
- Twisted Fate (1-cost)
Sniper (3 Units)
- Snipers deal 10% increased damage for each hex of distance between themselves and their target.
Starship (1 Unit)
- Starships continuously circle the arena and cannot basic attack.
- Aurelion Sol (5-cost)
- Rebel + Starship
- Aurelion Sol (5-cost)
Vanguard (5 Units)
- Vanguards gain 70 (2), 300 (4) armor.
- Leona (1-cost)
- Cybernetic + Vanguard
- Poppy (1-cost)
- Star Guardian + Vanguard
- Mordekaiser (2-cost)
- Dark Star + Vanguard
- Jayce (3-cost)
- Space Pirate + Vanguard
- Wukong (4-cost)
- Chrono + Vanguard
- Leona (1-cost)
Thanks for reading our TFT Set 3 synergies guide! Be sure to check out site for recommended new team comps, champs, and items.
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