Teamfight TacticsGuides

TFT High Stakes Augments: How to Play An Upgraded Adventure

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TFT High Stakes Augments Guide: An Upgraded Adventure

In this article, I’ll be covering how to play “An Upgraded Adventure,” a new High Stakes Augment. TFT Set 12 is releasing a new subset of Augments called High Stakes Augments. These Augments provide a high-risk, high-reward strategy and gameplay experience. If you played in the past, these Augments are reminiscent of things like Mercenary from Set 6 or Fortune from Set 4.

With these new Augments, players can fulfill special conditions for great reward.

If you want to check my other guides on the High Stakes Augments, you can use these links to see them:

An Upgraded Adventure


After upgrading 4 champions to 3-star, gain a magnificent reward. Gain 4 1-cost champions.

The Upgraded Adventure is a high stakes prismatic augment which gives a player a huge cash out after upgrading 4 champions to 3 Star. It is a high risk augment as upgrading 4 champions to 3 star can take a lot of time and in this case potentially a lot of gold and staying low level. This makes it harder to push levels for the higher cost units that can benefit most from the cash out.

This isn’t an easy task to finish. The best way you can do this is by going for all one cost units that have synergies together as this is the cheapest and quickest option for cashing out this augment. It would simply be too expensive to reroll multiple 2 and 3 costs units. This augment will be the best when 1 cost reroll is strong and the 1 cost can be used as a carry throughout the game rather than getting outscaled by 3 star 2 and 3 costs.

Because you are rolling for 1 cost champions, you should never hit the level up button until after you have hit all 4 of your 3 star champions. You can level after you have cashed out.

How to Play An Upgraded Adventure

Here’s a rundown on my strategy to playing this Augment.

Best Web to Reroll: Witchcraft Reroll Early Game

TFT Set 12 An Upgraded Adventure Core Reroll Plan

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There is a comp that I have I think is the best way to go about this augment. It is rerolling Poppy, Lillia, Zoe, and Seraphine.

Ahri then Zoe are the main carrys and Poppy being the main tank.

  • Ahri’s main item’s are Blue Buff or Adaptive Helm with as much Ability Power as possible – ideally Rabadon’s Death Cap.
  • Zoe’s items being Blue Buff, Nashor’s Tooth, and Shojin ideally.
  • Poppy holds the Ionic Spark and other defensive items.

I will go deeper into how to play this comp as there is a bit more to it than just hit the 3 stars.

2nd Augment Selection

For the second Augment, you either want it to help you get your 3 stars faster or to help you stay alive as the Upgraded Adventure augment will essentially become a combat augment. For example Tiny Titans, Prismatic Ticket, Silver Ticket, and other augments of this sort will help you more easily cash out.

The hardest part is hitting all 4 of the 3 stars. Once you hit them, you will cash out a variety of rewards.

Rewards can contain: gold, support items and anvils, Accomplice’s Gloves, Artifact items/anvils, Radiant Thief’s Gloves, among other things.

Generally, you will want to itemize your 3 stars when possible if they are strong enough to hold the items. However, after this you will want to do your best to push levels since your cash out should keep you stabilized.

Ahri & Arcana

TFT Set 12 Ahri

You may have noticed that Ahri was part of the core comp. Although she has the Scholar trait to go with Zoe, she has something more important: Arcana. You want to get Arcana going as soon as possible once you have upgraded your 4 units to 3 star.

Ahri’s Arcana bonus gives units additional Ability Power based on the number of units you have 3 starred. Good news, you have 3 star units and Ability Power carrys. On top of receiving a great cash out – this mid game from stage 4 into the late game is where this comp really begins to shine as you will be hitting most players for 10+ damage each round.

Ahri becomes the main carry of this comp even more so than Zoe.

The current exception is that if you have the Spellblades augment then you carry Zoe. Ahri needs one mana item such as Blue Buff or Adaptive Helm. She then wants Deathcap. For her final item she can have additional Ability Power such as Jeweled Gauntlet.

Late Game Team Comps

Once you get to higher levels, this is where you want to find 2 star 4 costs and 5 costs to really round out your team and take advantage of your cash out. For this comp in particular, you are looking for Hecarim, Ryze, Taric, Milio and Xerath to round out your comp by giving your comp 4 Bastion plus an additional carry through Xerath or Ryze if needed.

An Upgraded Adventure: Ahri Reroll Team Comp

TFT Set 12 An Upgraded Adventure Ahri Reroll

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Here is what your level 7 board should look like but without all the extra items you will have from your cash out! In some cases you may have 3 star Ahri, and other cases you might not.

The comp utilizes 4 Bastion units to delay to give your Zoe, Seraphine, and Ahri enough time to run down your opponents. Make sure to select Ahri with the Arcana emblem to give your team plenty of AP!

An Upgraded Adventure: High Cap Ahri Ryze Team Comp

TFT Set 12 An Upgraded Adventure Cap Ahri Ryze Team Comp 14.16

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There is an even higher cap with 4 Bastion 4 Scholar by selling Seraphine. Especially if Seraphine doesn’t have strong items.

Ahri is the primary carry with Ryze being the secondary carry. Poppy is the primary tank with Lillia the secondary tank. Make sure to keep Hecarim in as a Bastion while using the Arcana emblem on Ahri.

This board is strong even without An Upgraded Adventure, so with An Upgraded Adventure it is hard to beat.

In Conclusion

This augment is relatively straightforward as it is to hit your units, cash out, and then build a team comp from your 1 cost units. Generally, you won’t sell your 3 Star 1 costs unless they are weak in the meta and you have strong 2 Star 4 costs and 5 costs to replace them.

Now you should be ready to win whenever you see the high stakes augment, An Upgraded Adventure, available to you! They may seem intimidating, but they are a lot of fun and now you are more prepared to play them next time you see them!

Be sure to check out my guides on the other high stakes augments: