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TFT Frying Pan Guide: New Emblems and Team Comps

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Frying Pans: TFT’s New Emblem Component

With TFT patch 14.18 a new component was introduced – the Frying Pan. The Frying Pan complements the Spatula in several ways. First, like the Spatula, the Frying Pan can be combined with another component to make an Class Emblem. We will go over those combinations and comps for them later in this article.

Another important part of the Frying Pan is that if you reforge it, it becomes a Spatula. The same with a reforged Spatula becomes a Frying Pan. This is a huge change as Spatulas can no longer become item components. On top of this, this makes it easier to make most Emblems in the game due to how easy it is to access most Class and Origin Emblems through a single Spatula or Frying Pan.

The final thing is that combining two Spatulas, Frying Pans, or a Frying Pan and a Spatula makes an item that allows you to have an extra unit on the board.

TFT Frying Pan Item Combinations

Let’s go over the new emblems that can be made from Frying Pans.


We now have access to Hunter, Preserver, Scholar, Warrior, Multistriker, Bastion, Mage, and Shapeshifter Spats. Each one of these don’t necessarily create new comps, but help strengthen options in current comps.

Unlike most Origin Spatulas that mainly feed into strong verticals, Class Emblems don’t quite fit the same role of creating verticals with a few exceptions.

Multistriker Emblem

The closest is Multistriker emblem which has 7 Multistriker units. The emblem allows for the player to drop one of the weaker multistrikers and either play Shen for Bastion with Hecarim and Pyro with Akali. It can also allow for the player to play Tahm Kench to give the team Arcana through Hecarim.

This comp has multiple carry options from rerolling 2-costs Akali and Kassadin, to rerolling 1 costs Jax and Ashe or even rerolling Hecarim. You can choose whichever one you want and the Multistriker Spat allows you to hit 7 Multistriker at level 7 which will help keep your comp stable.

Vertical Multistriker with multiple carry options

TFT Set 12 Multistriker Emblem Frying Pan Team Comp

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Warrior Emblem

Another solid Spat that lets you get into a more vertical trait is Warrior. The Warrior spat allows you to play 6 Warrior which is a strong 6 piece currently. You can carry Fiora and Gwen in some cases, but the higher cap board will be rerolling for Hecarim 3 and Katarina 3.

TFT Set 12 Warrior Emblem Frying Pan Team Comp

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Preserver Emblem

Five Preserver has long had strong stats. A lot of this comes from the power of the units such as Morgana, Karma, Fiora, and 2-cost Zilean. There are a lot of variations of this comp from using Neeko and Nasus as a Shapeshifter front line or using Briar as a 5 cost carry. Diana and Cassiopeia have their spots in this comp as well. Here is a standard level 8 comp for the board, but it often wants to be able to go to level 9 to further round out the comp and take advantage of the Preserver trait.

TFT Set 12 Preserver Emblem Frying Pan Team Comp

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Scholar Emblem

Another option is 6 Scholar. With the recent 6 Scholar buff, it has performed well in the stats although it is a very expensive board to hit. Scholar doesn’t have a ton of power early and really needs Milio to really take off. It is a Pan that you don’t really want to slam early unless it is your best option, but if you are able to get to this board, then it is very strong!

There are multiple variations of this comp such as adding more Arcana units like Hecarim, Xerath, and Tahm Kench. However, Morgana is the best performing unit with the Scholar Spat, so try to fit her in your comp if you can. The front line is rather flexible, you just need an upgraded frontline that allows your Scholars plenty of time to get several casts to win fights!

TFT Set 12 Scholar Emblem Frying Pan Team Comp

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In Conclusion

As the meta shifts, there will be more options for comps based on these spats. Other Spats such as Mage and Shapeshifter are playable in some scenarios, but they are hard to commit to right from the start. Overall, the Pan combinations have been weaker than the classic Spatula combinations. This is due to the strength of the verticals as well as Spatulas are designed to give players access to chase traits that are often strong such as 10 Porta, 9 Faerie, and others.

Remember that you have the option to reforge a Pan into a Spatula and vice versa. That gives both items a lot more flexibility and can sometimes be game winning when you recognize the optimal play in your games!

Good luck!