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LoR Deck Guide: Ekko Jinx

How to Play Ekko Jinx

Hey everyone NicMakesPlays here.

Jinx was recently buffed and given a huge power spike which ended up spawning a new deck, Ekko Jinx!

Did you know that Ekko has a childhood crush on Jinx according to League lore? We’ll see if it’s eventually included in Arcane.

For more decks, head to the Deck Library! To build your own, head to the Deck Builder.

Ekko Jinx (LoR Deck)


[See Ekko Jinx deck details]

Win Condition and Mulligans

The goal of this deck is to Predict and level Ekko as fast as possible. After you’ve expended your hand leveling Ekko you can summon a leveled Jinx, Voice of the Risen, Chronobreak, or The Absolver to finish the game. The expected turn to finish the game is turn 6-7.

In this deck, you want to mulligan for Forsaken Baccai, Ancient Preparations, and Aspiring Chronomancer. These are all cheap cards that give you board presence while helping you Predict. You can use them to block in the early game while leveling Ekko, and simultaneously transitioning into your mid-game through Predicts.

Ekko Jinx (LoR Mulligan)

Card Choices & Key Synergies

Forsaken Baccai | Fallen Feline

forsaken baccai lor cardFallen Feline (LoR Card)

Forsaken Baccai is one of the best new editions to Ekko decks in recent years. Forsaken Baccai is a 2/1 body that helps you Predict so you can stay afloat against early-game pressure while leveling Ekko. You can use Forsaken Baccai to Predict for more Predict cards to work towards Ekko’s progress

3 or find Ekko himself. Fallen Feline is a quintessential part of this deck. Fallen Feline gives you extra value out of your Predicts by giving you a chance at adding a free Hexite Crystal to your hand. You can solo aggro matchups with Hexite Crystal, remove enemy boards to push big damage, or add more in your deck if you Chronobreak a Fallen Feline back.

Aspiring Chronomancer | Scrying Sands

Aspiring Chronomancer (LoR reveal)Scrying Sands (LoR Card)

Aspiring Chronomancer and Scrying Sands are two more pivotal ways to Predict and level Ekko. Aspiring Chronomancer is your 2 drop of the deck. It’s a 2|3 so it can block favorably while transitioning you into them mid-game. Scrying Sands is a great combat trick that also Predicts.

You can use Scrying Sands during combat trades to remove enemy attackers for cheap. Scrying Sands is also a burst speed spell so you can potentially hit Dropboarder from it and then use it as a blocker.

Ekko | Jinx

Ekko and Jinx are your Champions of the deck. The entire deck revolves around Predicting to level Ekko as fast as possible. The goal is to level Ekko by turn 4 so you can immediately put Chronobreaks and start getting 0 mana Time Tricks.

Leveling Ekko enables Voice of the Risen as well so you get value out of your wide boards and Dropboarders. Jinx is the newest addition to the deck.

You can expend your hand Predicting to level Ekko and then put a Jinx on top of your deck. Since you use up your hand quickly, Jinx will come down leveled and immediately give you a Super Mega Death Rocket to clear blockers and push huge damage with her Quick Attack.

Jinx will then refuel your hand each turn by drawing you extra cards and creating more Rockets.

Dropboarder | Voice of the Risen

Dropboarder (LoR Card)Voice of the Risen (LoR Card)

Dropboarder at first glance is just a 1 mana 1|3 but it adds a lot more to the deck than that. Dropboarder summons itself every time it’s seen in a Predict which gives you the chance at an extra value for every prediction.

Dropboarder easily lets you swarm the board, and can be summoned at Burst speed as a blocker or attacker with Feral Prescience and Scrying Sands.

When combined with Voice of the Risen the free Dropboarders add up for tons of damage. Voice of the Risen is an extremely powerful card in this deck. You can easily activate Voice of the Risen’s ability by quickly Predicting and leveling Ekko.

Voice of the Risen turns all your small Predict units into powerhouses and allows you to push for game. You can combine Voice of the Risen with Chronobreak to have multiple strong attacks in one turn.

The Absolver | Careful Preparation

The Absolver (LoR Card)Careful Preparation (LoR Card)

The Absolver is one of the main ways you go for a game with this deck. You can easily enable its second effect to give Overwhelm by leveling Ekko as quickly as turn 4.

Pumping up an Ekko with The Absolver packs huge damage, gives you a free Time Trick, and can let you swing twice with Overwhelm if you have Chronobreak. Careful Preparation is a unique card in this deck since it lets you simultaneously level Ekko and Jinx.

The way it levels Ekko is simple since it’s another card that Predicts. The way it levels Jinx, however, is unique, since you have to get rid of a card in your hand to use it, you are able to easily get 0 cards in hand which levels Jinx, and then it adds the Predicted card to your hand.

Good Matchups

Ekko Jinx does phenomenally against Aggro. You can summon early-game blockers such as Fallen Feline and Forsaken Baccai to stop their early-game pressure.

Any Predicts you make give you the chance to summon Dropboarder for extra blockers or get Hexite Crystal to blow away the enemy board. Then, you can summon a leveled Ekko or Jinx and take the game from there.

Bad Matchups

This deck struggles against Seraphine decks since they can often remove Ekko and Jinx once they are leveled. The way to play around this only plays Ekko and Jinx once they are leveled so you at least get bonuses from their level up.

When you play a leveled Ekko you put 3 Chronobreaks in your deck, so you at least can get that perk if you wait to play him when leveled. By playing Jinx with the ability to level you at least get a Rocket to deal damage to the enemy Nexus and damage the enemy board.

Tech Choices

This deck can cut copies The Absolver and Careful Preparation.

Acorn, the Hextechnician – This card helps discount your spells, blocks enemy Elusives and can push huge damage with Voice of the Risen.

acorn, the hextechnician

Augmented Experimenter– This card is a great one of that allows you to refuel your hand, level Jinx and act as removal.

Augmented Experimenter (LoR Card)

Rummage – Rummage gives you more cheap ways to empty your hand at burst speed and did for your champions.

Rummage (LoR Card)

For more decks, head to the Deck Library! To build your own, head to the Deck Builder.

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