Legends of RuneterraDecks

5 Best Bandlewood Budget Decks For Newer Players

5 Best Bandlewood Budget Decks For Newer Players

Hey, it’s Trevor “Shugo” Yung here and I’m back with five budget decks for the new expansion! Today’s lists are based around cards from Beyond the Bandlewood. While these include new cards, worry not, as most of them are very cheap to create.

If you’re short a card or two, just throw in a replacement and get started. We’ve got a mix of aggro and combo nonsense, so I hope you’re ready!

1. Budget Elusives

Budget Elusives (LoR Deck)


[See Budget Elusives deck details]

Our first deck is built around everyone’s favorite (or absolutely most hated) keyword; Elusive! I know, I know, we’ve been down this road many times. But this time we’ve got a ton of new trinkets to play with!

This list is built around utilizing cheap followers to generate value while we protect our elusives and aim for the nexus. Otterpus generates Pranks to hinder the opponent while Yordle Squire grants a buff for either extra damage or protection.

Otterpus (LoR card)

Conchologist and Trinket Trade give us flexibility at a low cost to help ensure our game plan goes smoothly.

Conchologist (LoR card)

Purpleberry Shake is the premium card of the deck. At one mana it’s so efficient to help us not only protect our Elusives but often deal a bit of extra damage.

Pocket Aces is our additional buff to make our units even more threatening. Lastly, Stress Defense is either an emergency protection spell or a massive hindrance to the opponent’s unit.

While our Elusive game plan is straightforward, our spells allow for extra flexibility. Between Hidden Pathways and all our token spell generation, you’ll always have a ton of cards!

2. Budget Discard Aggro

Budget Discard Aggro (LoR Deck)


[See Budget Discard Aggro deck details]

Next up we have a new take on the classic Discard Aggro. We’re shifting away from the norm to try out some of the Bandlewood cards.

Note: Jinx is our champion of choice due to her two-copy availability to everyone. Feel free to add in Draven and Sion if you have them. If not, she’s still a great budget option!

Jinx level 1 (LoR Card)

This list makes use of multiple discard effects to enable Noble Rebel. A 5|3 Overwhelm for three mana is no joke. While the requirement is real, a little bit of work and we can cheaply threaten a lot of damage.

Ancient Warmonger is our second source of Overwhelm damage to help close out the game, but can also be utilized for its discard benefit.

Ancient Warmonger (lor card)

With nine 1-drops and all the discard effects, we’re a very low-to-the-ground deck. Aim to curve out early and apply pressure with Legion Rearguard or Reborn Grenadier. Once we’ve drawn into Jinx we’re free to dump our hand and summon her.

Try to make good use of Survival Skills to either push extra damage or keep important units alive. Although if the board calls for it, feel free to hard cast it from hand.

3. Budget Bandle Tree

Budget Bandle Tree (LoR Deck)


[See Budget Bandle Tree deck detail]

If you love alternate win conditions and ridiculous game states, you’re in for a real Treet. Forget the rules, forget the costs, let’s make it happen!

At our core, we’re a Bandle City allegiance deck. This way we can play a very powerful 4-drop; Gruff Grenadier. Not only does he have a chance to summon a multi-region follower, but we can get a ton of stats for just four mana.

gruff grenadier (lor card)

Our off-region splash is Marai Warden and one Double Trouble. These provide a great chance at summoning different region followers for our Bandle Tree quest.

marai warden (lor card)

We’ve got a handful of singletons in order to help round things out. Diversity is important! While The Bandle Tree will generate followers on its own, having a built-in cast should help speed up the process.

Our spell package is aimed at keeping us alive until we reach our goal. Many of our units summon a second body, so it will be easier to make Group Shot deal two damage. If that’s not enough, Buster Shot can take care of medium-sized threats and Minimorph will outright nullify any major problems.

It could be a long road to get there, but follow those Hidden Pathways, find the Bandle City Mayor, and you can do it!

4. Budget Landmark Aggro

Budget Landmark Aggro (LoR Deck)


[See Budget Landmark Aggro deck details]

Landmark.. Aggro..? Yes, you read that correctly. The Bandlewood expansion sure is an odd one, and it’s brought us some new tools to break past common trends. Don’t believe me? Well, watch out, because this deck will destroy a lot more than just landmarks.

This deck aims to dominate the board with its powerful on-curve plays. The first two turns are set up to make Chip become a 3|3. Rock Hopper is our ideal support, but a cheap landmark works just fine. Obelisk of Power can turn Chip into a 5|3 on turn two!

Rock Hopper (LoR Card)

What really makes this deck shine is its powerful mid-game plays. The new follower Endless Devout can summon a Sarcophagus upon death. Pair this with Desert Naturalist and you’ll have a 2|4, 5|4, and 5|3 Fearsome on turn four! This alone will apply a ton of pressure to the opponent, but if that’s not enough, drop a Risen Altar and get ready.

endless devout (lor card)

Risen Altar may look slow on the surface, but its true potential comes from our burst speed surprise, UNLEASHED ENERGY! If two wrongs make a right and two negatives make a positive. Two bad cards make a powerful combo, right?

Well in this case, actually yes. Once Risen Altar is set we can use Unleashed Energy to buff one unit and summon Dami’yin the Unbound for an open attack! If Waste Walker is already on board you’d have two huge Overwhelm threats out of nowhere.

If that’s not enough, hold up Shaped Stone to push those final points of damage.

5. Budget Puffcap Burn

Budget Puffcap Burn (LoR Deck)


[See Budget Puffcap Burn deck details]

I saved the best for last. You know as well as I do that Teemo is our favorite. As such, I kinda broke the budget a bit because I just HAD to include him.

dual region teemo level 1 (lor card)

Ever since the inception of Runeterra we’ve never really had a true Teemo deck. While Teemo has seen competitive success with Ezreal or Sejuani, they relied more on other win conditions with mushrooms as a backup support plan.

Several expansions later and it’s finally time. Bandle City is here and we’re going all-in on the Puffcaps! We’re leaning a little more towards meme territory with this one. But that won’t stop me!

Stinky Whump and Puffcap Pup (lovely names aren’t they?) are the new kids in town. Alongside Teemo they help generate more early puffcaps. Instead of relying solely on a benched Puffcap Peddler, we actually get to attack. Poison Dart helps pick off weak targets while adding to the pile.

Puffcap Pup (LoR card)

While Entrapment seems like a trap, and it kinda is, it does often generate nine puffcaps on its own. Not to mention bonus puffcaps from Peddler triggers.

We still have the usual Chump Whump and burn/removal spells, but what’s most notable is our new queen Corina, Mastermind. This is where the magic happens. Plant as many puffcaps as possible, then let Corina detonate them all!

Corina, Mastermind (LoR card)

What’s even better is she doesn’t actually destroy the traps… She simply activates their effect. So your opponent can still draw into them afterward!

Veteran Investigator, Hexcore Foundry, and Insider Knowledge help ensure the opponent doesn’t dodge their demise. Used Cask Salesman is our way to chump block the enemy while simultaneously burning their nexus. Three bodies off of one card is excellent value.

Finally, Iterative Improvement is fantastic on almost every unit in our deck. Puffcap Peddler, Chump Whump, Veteran Investigator, Corina. You can’t go wrong. Don’t forget you can always copy the opponent’s best follower too.

iterative improvement (LoR Card)

Budget or no budget, I know I’ll be giving this a try. Whatever you decide to play, you can’t go wrong on Day One. Beyond the Bandlewood looks amazing so I hope you get the chance to explore it!

Shugo’s Productivity Thought of the Day

When we make a commitment to someone, we often do our best to fulfill it. When it’s someone we care about we’ll go out of our way to not let them down.

However, when it comes to honoring our own self commitments. We let things slide. We brush it off and forget, instead of living towards our desires.

Be your own biggest fan. Be intentional about your own success. If we can commit fully to others we can at least put half that effort into ourselves.

For more Beyond the Bandlewood decks, head to the Deck Library! To build your own, head to the Deck Builder.