How to Play the Split Push Team Composition
Split push team comps are one of the strongest team compositions if played well. They apply pressure to multiple objectives at once, which causes frustration and lack of communication between the enemy. The enemy will be running from one place to another and lose objectives all around the map due to lack of communication and coordination.
Split push team comps are one of the hardest team comps to pull off correctly though as they rely on other members of your team to understand how split pushing is best effective, and how not to get caught out and die. If your team lacks awareness and can’t coordinate well, then this comp isn’t going to be of much use.
If you like any of the champions on our list, make sure you check out their champion pages on the Mobalytics site, where you can find builds, tips and much more to help you play each of the champions on today’s list.
How to Play the Split Push Team Composition
The Objective of the Comp
A split push team composition is very similar to a 1-3-1 team composition. This is where 3 players stay in 1 lane, while the remaining 2 players stay in the other lanes and draw attention or apply pressure.
The idea is that while the enemy tries to prevent a push in 1 lane, you apply pressure and push the lane. It’s pretty simple: you draw pressure and apply pressure. The concept is simple, but actually utilising this comp properly is very hard, and you must not get caught out.
Example Champions
Top lane
- Irelia is a good split pusher throughout all stages of the game.
- She has strong wave clear and can push and take towers quickly. Which means he can apply pressure fast.
- Irelia’s 1v1 potential is pretty insane. She can 1v1 anyone if she is ahead. This forces the enemy to send multiple people to stop her, which can allow her allies to apply pressure with the numbers advantage
- Fiora’s strength comes from applying pressure and split pushing.
- When ahead, Fiora’s kill pressure is pretty high, and she can 1v1 most enemy champions. She can force the enemy to send multiple to stop her, which lets her team use the numbers advantage to get kills or objectives.
- She takes towers quickly thanks to her basic attacks and her Q, which she can use on the tower. She can push very very fast.
Master Yi
- His 1v1 potential is very high, especially when he is fed: making anyone preventing him from pushing at risk of dying.
- He can push waves quickly with his Q and basic attacks.
- Master Yi, when left uncontested, can push quickly and take towers very easily with his Ultimate which gives him empowerments that make him push even faster.
Xin Zhao
- Xin Zhao is notoriously strong, especially when he is ahead.
- He can push lanes quickly thanks to his basic attacks and his Q. He just needs to keep auto-attacking minions and he will push fast.
- His tower-pushing potential is high when left alone on a tower. Keep pushing and applying pressure while your team applies pressure elsewhere.
Mid lane
- Leblanc is a good split pusher, and she can push minion waves quickly.
- Her W allows her to escape sticky situations and escape if the enemy tries to collapse.
- Her 1v1 potential is pretty high. When ahead, she can easily blow people up with a basic combo.
Twisted Fate
- His Ultimate offers him extra protection to retreat in case the enemy tries to collapse onto him,
- Of course, Twisted Fate Ultimate also helps him join his team if he needs to join the fight. In a real example, TF can sit in a side lane, and then after taking the tower, he can use his Ultimate to join his team and collapse on the enemy.
- Twisted Fate can take towers quickly with his empowered auto-attacks and his W!
- Ezreal will be staying in the mid-lane with his Support and another member of the team.
- He can push the waves with his Q, auto attacks and his Ultimate to prevent the enemy from pushing.
- Ezreal has a built-in escape tool with his E, which he can use to escape from danger if any arises.
- Caitlyn has long range and can clear waves from afar.
- Her E allows her to escape sticky situations and create distance between her and incoming enemies.
- She will remain in the mid-lane trying to apply pressure while her allies apply pressure elsewhere.
- They’re a good counter-engage, or engage champion. This type of champion is good just incase the enemy tries to start a fight while someone is pushing.
- He can sacrifice himself to keep his allies safe. This isn’t good, but it’s better for a Support to die rather than the ADC.
- If the enemy walks too far forward, Nautilus can use his Q to catch them out or click his Ultimate of them to lock them down and knock them up.
- She has multiple tools to disengage if the enemy tries to engage on her and the ADC in the mid-lane.
- Janna usually buys Redemption so she can assist her allies who are splitting from afar.
- As always, Janna provides a lot of utility and protection for anyone she is protecting. She can use her Q or Ultimate to counter engage the enemy and interrupt their engage.
Tips and Tricks
We’ve gone through some champions, and now it’s time to give you some tips and tricks on how to play as the comp.
- Watch the map at all times. You must not die while split pushing, or else you’ll lose a ton of pressure around the map.
- Ping ping and ping some more! Communication is very important for a split push comp.
- If the enemy leaves your lane, wait a few seconds and then push the wave and siege the tower. Make the enemy return to your lane and make them pay for leaving your lane alone.
How to Counter The Split Push Team Comp
You can do a few things to counter a split push comp, but it can very quickly go wrong. You must fight the enemy when they’re split up. If there are only 2 or 3 players in the mid-lane, you should force a fight and try to catch them out. Similarly, you shouldn’t delay rotating or fighting the enemy as it enables the enemy team splitpushers to apply pressure. Your goals are to prevent them from applying pressure to multiple parts of the map at the same time.
Split push comps can be incredibly rewarding, but you need to have good awareness and understand how to split push effectively. If you need more advice for this comp, make sure you check out our in-depth team comp guide.
You can find more tips and tricks over at Mobalytics. Sign up for a free account today.
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