5 Best Beginner Champions for Climbing Split 2 of Season 13
Split 2 has just started in League of Legends, so it’s time to start the ranked grind once again in an attempt to get those high ranks and claim a new division or ranking in LoL. With every new Season in League of Legends, getting the best start possible and gaining LP as quickly as possible is important.
One way to increase your chances of climbing if you’re a new player or someone looking to start their ranked grind is by playing extremely useful, beginner-friendly, and easy-to-play champions. Playing easier champions when you’re a beginner is a good idea, as you can perform well without needing hundreds of games under your belt on one champion.
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5 Best Beginner Champions for Climbing Split 2 of Season 13
- Garen
- Amumu
- Renekton
- Rammus
- Milio
The first champion on our list is Garen. He has no skill shots, so if you’re not very good at aiming abilities, he is your go-to top laner. While he is usually a Top laner, he can be played in the Mid-lane into the right matchups.
Garen is really simple and can counter many champions. He deals a lot of damage with his Q and E combo, and he can easily chase enemies who are over-extended or pushed too far up the lane. Go for a bad trade? His Passive will kick in and provide you with free health and sustain!
He is also really versatile. He can split push and apply pressure or solo enemies in the top and bottom lane, or he can flank in team fights and one-shot squishies. Let’s not forget that Garen also has a very versatile build path and can go tanky or full damage, depending on how far ahead he is.
Amumu is a great beginner champion that is good at all ranks in League of Legends. After his rework, he has become even stronger and much easier to play, thanks to him having 2 Qs. One thing that made Amumu less acceptable as a Jungler was that if you miss your Q, your ganks will immediately fail.
However, since getting 2 stacks on his Q, Amumu has become more forgiving as you have 2 attempts to lock the enemy down with CC. You also have your Ultimate, which can help you lock down multiple champions simultaneously.
Amumu’s versatility should also be mentioned. He is good in the Jungle and Support roles, so if you don’t like Jungling, you can always play him as a Support. Furthermore, his build is quite versatile too. Depending on your role, strength, and team’s needs, you can build full damage or full tank.
Renekton is one of the oldest champions on our list. I remember playing him a lot when I started playing back 10 years ago. He is a basic champion with no skill shots, unlike a few other champions on our list. All your abilities are pretty much point-and-click, and you don’t need to aim them.
He is a good champion to learn and play because he has so many good matchups, and you can abuse his early-game power to get kills. Let’s not forget that he can also help you understand the fundamentals of the Top or Mid lane, depending on which lane you play him in.
I really like Renekton, and he is a really underrated champion. While he may not be the strongest meta champion right now, don’t let that stop you from picking him up and dominating the enemy in the lane.
Rammus is an incredibly basic but very strong champion. If you love playing Junglers, then Rammus could be the next Jungler for you. He is extremely tanky, deals a surprising amount of damage when he’s ahead, and he is extremely versatile.
Unlike most Junglers, Rammus has a point-and-click CC ability which forces the enemy to focus him. He can abuse this ability to get successive kills with every gank. You just need to roll up with your Q and then press E on a target, and they’re basically dead.
I really like Rammus, and I often see people solo carrying games with him. All you need to work on is being a proactive Jungler and actively ganking whenever you find good opportunities.
Unlike Renekton, Milio is one of the newest champions in the game, and for a new champion, he is incredibly easy, which is great for beginners who want to start their ranked journey in split 2 of League of Legends.
Milio is a very simple champion with no real major skill shots. His Q is his only big skill shot, and his remaining abilities are self-explanatory. When playing Milio, you can often have more power and laning pressure than the likes of Janna or Lulu- which ultimately will help you climb.
He is a good, basic, fun-to-play utility champion with more carry potential than other Supports. However, Milio relies more on his teammates than any other champion on our list. So keep that in mind.
Final Pointers
While these champions are great for beginners, many other champions are just as easy as well and will help you climb. At the end of the day, play who you enjoy and are good at if none of these champions are for you.
Remember to check out our friends at ONE Esports for more awesome League content.
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