5 of the Best Scaling Champions in League of Legends
In League of Legends, there are some champions that suck early, but perform incredibly well in the late game. Many of these champions need time and money to come online and once they hit their spike, the game will be much harder for the enemy.
When playing as a scaling champion, it’s very important that you try to limit falling behind in the early game as it will make your late game weaker. If you have a strong start, you’ll finish even stronger!
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5 of the Best Scaling Champions in League of Legends
Before we begin, these champions are in no particular order and may not necessarily be the best around. However, they are some of the 5 best scaling champions in League!
1. Veigar
Veigar’s Q offers him free AP throughout the game. As long as Veigar continues to last hit minions with his Q, he will get unlimited AP. The longer the game goes, the more AP he will get. In the late game, he will be incredibly strong as he will be getting more and more stacks.
In the very late game, he could easily one-shot an enemy carry if they’re alone.
Learn how to play Veigar by checking out Veigar’s champion page.
2. Ryze
Ryze is another champion that scales with time. He is good with lots of gold and XP, and in the late game he can be a huge problem for the enemy team and one combo could literally one shot a squishy target.
Unfortunately, his Ultimate isn’t the best in combat situations, but he is still good at level 16.
Learn how to play Ryze by checking out Ryze’s champion page.
3. Vayne
Vayne’s a very strong champion in League. Funny enough, she is one of the few champions on our list that can go either way. She can be strong in the early game (in the right matchups and with the right synergy) but she also scales really well.
She is also very good versus tank champions, so she will be a huge threat to the enemy regardless of how much health and armor they pickup to protect themselves.
Learn how to play Vayne by checking out Vayne’s champion page.
4. Kassadin
Kassadin is the ultimate scaler in League of Legends. He is really bad early on, but with every Ultimate upgrade (levels 6, 11 and 16) he becomes stronger and stronger.
The longer the game goes and the more gold and items Kassawin has under his belt, he becomes stronger and stronger.
Learn how to play Kassadin by checking out Kassadin’s champion page.
5. Kayle
Kayle is a really good scaling champion in League of Legends. With every Ultimate upgrade (level 6, 11 and 16) her abilities and range change. At level 6, she becomes ranged, at 11 she can launch waves from her autos, and at 16 she gains more range and damage.
Like the majority of the other picks on our list, she is weak early, but with gold and items under her belt, she will become very strong. If she gets a few kills early, or if she is allowed to free farm, she will become unstoppable later on in the game.
Learn how to play Kayle by checking out Kayle’s champion page.
That about sums up this guide on the 5 best scaling champions in League of Legends. Who else do you think is a great scaling champion? What would you like to see next? Let us know!
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