Honkai Star RailGuides

Rappa HSR – Guide, Skills, Builds, Teams & More

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Rappa is a Break-centric AoE DPS aimed to be used in the Super Break team. She would generally take the DPS spot from Firefly in this team for AoE-heavy fights like Pure Fiction and some certain bosses in Memory of Chaos / Apocalyptic Shadow.

Beyond the SuperBreak team, Rappa is a very limited unit as she does not have any good alternative team and performs quite poorly in Single Target situations like most Erudition units.

HSR Rappa Release Date

Rappa’s banner will be in the first half of Version 2.6 releasing on October 23, 2024, and will run until November 13, 2024.

Rappa HSR Kit Review (Trace Level 10)


Rappa’s skill and basic attacks are generic and don’t do much for her, with her skills being a true AoE skill. The bulk of her power comes from her Talent and Ultimate. When Rappa uses her Ultimate, she will enter a special state called “Sealform”, which immediately 100% Action Advance her, completely locks her skill and Ultimate, enhances her Basic Attack 3 times and grants her a 50% Break Efficiency and 30% Break Effect.

Her Enhanced Basic Attack is a 3-hit attack with the first two hits dealing Blast Damage and the last one being true AoE. Rappa can choose the target with her two first hits of an Enhanced Basic Attack, and these attacks can also reduce the enemy’s Toughness Bar regardless of element, but only at half the effectiveness when the enemy is not Imaginary-weak. Enhanced Basic Attack cannot recover Skill Points. After using the Enhanced Basic Attack 3 times, Rappa will exit the Sealform state.


Her talent grants her a Charge stack whenever an enemy target is Weakness Broken, up to 10 stacks. These stacks will be consumed on the third hit of her Enhanced Basic Attack, dealing damage to all enemies and also depleting their Toughness Bar with similar effectiveness as the other Enhanced Basic Attack hits.

Rappa’s first major trace recovers her energy and grants her an additional Charge stack when an elite or higher-level enemy weakness is broken. The second trace allows her to convert Toughness Reduction from her Enhanced Basic Attack against already broken enemies into SuperBreak Damage instances. Her third major trace increases the Break Damage taken by enemies who are weakness-broken, and also increases this effect with every 100 additional attack beyond 2,400 Attack, up to a maximum of 8%.

Rappa’s technique is quite decent, allowing her to deal an instance of Break Damage at the start of the battle that also reduces the enemy’s toughness and generates energy for herself. Outside of combat, this is a standard buff-type technique that increases her movement speed and can block enemies’ attacks.

Meta Relevance

Rappa is designed to be played as a Super Break damage dealer with a heavier emphasis on AoE, which means her team options will be very limited. She practically will run the same teammates that her fellow Super Break DPS – Firefly would want, and similarly her performance will drop off massively outside of the standard SuperBreak team.

However, her lack of weakness implant mechanics compared to other Break units like Firefly or Boothill makes her a lot less splashable against non-Imaginary weakness.

Even though she can technically break enemies that are not Imaginary-weak her breaking capacity is much worse than theirs due to her Enhanced Basic Attacks only doing 50% original Toughness Damage against non-Imaginary weak enemies. This means Rappa is very reliant on her teammates to contribute in terms of breaking enemies as well, otherwise her damage will be quite backloaded.

Imaginary Break

Unfortunately, Imaginary is the worst type of Break with an exceptionally low Break modifier, while Fire and Physical have vastly superior Break modifiers.

Rappa’s kit is also somewhat anti-synergistic, as she wants to Break a lot and often so that she can stack her talent. But Imaginary Break and Ruan Mei both delay enemies’ recovery from weakness break, meaning she does not have a lot of chances to stack her talent. (Unless it’s a fight with a continuous stream of new enemies or mobs for her to break such as in Pure Fiction or bosses that summon a lot)

HSR Rappa Talents

Rappa HSR Core Skills

Basic Attack – Ninjutsu: Rise Above Tumbles

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 100% of Rappa’s ATK to one designated enemy.

Skill – Ninja Strike: Rooted Resolute

Deals Imaginary DMG equal to 120% of Rappa’s ATK to all enemies.

Ultimate – Nindō Supreme: Aishiteru

Enters the “Sealform” state, immediately gains 1 extra turn, obtains 3 points of “Chroma Ink,” and increases Weakness Break Efficiency by 50% and Break Effect by 30%.

While in the “Sealform” state, Basic ATK is enhanced, and Skill and Ultimate cannot be used. After using Enhanced Basic ATK, consume 1 point of “Chroma Ink.” When “Chroma Ink” is depleted, exit the “Sealform” state.

Enhanced Basic Attack – Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade

Launches “Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade.” The first 2 hits deal Imaginary DMG equal to 100% of Rappa’s ATK to one designated enemy and Imaginary DMG equal to 50% of Rappa’s ATK to adjacent targets, and the 3rd hit deals Imaginary DMG equal to 100% of Rappa’s ATK to all enemies.

Enhanced Basic ATK will not recover Skill Points. Attacking enemies that don’t have Imaginary Weakness can still reduce Toughness, whose effect is equal to 50% of the original Toughness Reduction. When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.

Talent – Ninja Tech: Endurance Gauge

Each time the enemy target is Weakness Broken, Rappa gains 1 point of Charge, up to a max of 10 points of Charge. When Rappa next launches the third hit of “Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade,” additionally deals Break DMG equal to 60% of Rappa’s Imaginary Break DMG to all enemies. This DMG can ignore Weakness Type to reduce 2 Toughness, consuming all Charge. Each point of Charge increases the Break DMG multiplier by 50% and increases the Toughness Reduction that can ignore Weakness Type by 1.

When Breaking Weakness, triggers the Imaginary Weakness Break effect.

Technique – Explicit Subsidy

After using Technique, enter the “Graffiti” state for 20 seconds. While in the “Graffiti” state, moves forward rapidly for a set distance and attacks any enemies touched. During the rapid movement, can block all enemies’ attacks. Using an attack in the “Graffiti” state can end the state’s duration early. After entering combat via attacking enemies, deals 30 Toughness Reduction regardless of Weakness Type and Break DMG equal to 200% of Rappa’s Imaginary Break DMG to each enemy target, and deals Break DMG equal to 180% of Rappa’s Imaginary Break DMG to adjacent targets. At the same time, this unit regenerates 10 Energy.

Rappa HSR Traces

Ninjutsu Inscription: Sky High

When the Weakness of an elite-level or higher enemy is broken, Rappa additionally gains 1 point(s) of Charge and regenerates 10 Energy..

Ninjutsu Inscription: Sea Echo

While in the “Sealform” state, after Rappa uses Enhanced Basic ATK to deal DMG to a Weakness Broken enemy target, converts the Toughness Reduction from this instance of DMG to 1 instance of 60% Super Break DMG..

Ninjutsu Inscription: Withered Leaf

When an enemy target becomes Weakness Broken, increases the Break DMG taken by 2%. If Rappa’s current ATK is higher than 2400, for every 100 excess ATK, additionally increases this value by 1%, up to a max additional increase of 8%. This effect lasts for 2 turn(s).

Rappa HSR Eidolons

E1 Returned Is the Revenant With No Ferry Toll: During the “Sealform” state entered by using Ultimate, DMG dealt by Rappa ignores 15% of the targets’ DEF. After exiting the “Sealform” state, regenerate 20 Energy.
E2 Free Is the Mind Enlightened by Haikus: The Enhanced Basic ATK’s first 2 hits have their Toughness Reduction against the one designated enemy increased by 50%.
E3 Many Are the Shrines That Repel No Hel: Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E4 Lost Is the Nindō Devoured by Time: While in the “Sealform” state, increases all allies’ SPD by 12%.
E5 Steady Is The Ranger With Unerring Arrows: Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Righteous Is the Wrath That Spares No Evil: When battle starts, Rappa gains 5 point(s) of her Talent’s Charge, whose upper limit is 5 point(s). After launching the third hit of “Ningu: Demonbane Petalblade,” gains 5 point(s) of Charge.

Eidolon Priority

Rappa’s big breakpoint Eidolon is her E2 and E6. Her E2 massively improves her Breaking Efficiency from her Enhanced Basic Attack, while her E6 essentially gives her free Charge stacks at the start of the battle and after every Enhanced Basic Attack, which vastly increases her damage output.

Her E1 is a pretty common Defense Ignore Eidolon, which does synergize with other sources of Defense Shred like Ruan Mei E1 and the Iron Cavalry relic set. It also helps quite a lot with her rotation via the energy regen, letting her enter the Sealform state more often. Her E4 is a teamwide Speed buff which is tricky to evaluate since it all depends on certain Speed breakpoints and rotation.

However, before considering investing in Rappa, one should get her Light Cone first. Her Light Cone is a huge quality-of-life improvement for her and helps her tremendously in many aspects of her operation, including faster rotation, reaching the stats threshold more easily, and smoothening her early turns. It is one of the biggest improvements from F2P Light Cone to Signature Light Cone imaginable, further emphasized by the fact that she has a few options that work well with her.

  • Eidolon 1: Medium Value
  • Eidolon 2: High Value
  • Eidolon 4: Low Value
  • Eidolon 6: High Value

Rappa HSR Build Guide Overview

Light Cones

  • Ninjutsu Inscription: Dazzling Evilbreaker
  • Eternal Calculus
  • After the Charmony Fall

Main Stats

  • Body: Attack
  • Feet: Speed
  • Orb: Attack
  • Rope: Break Effect


  • Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge
  • Thief of Shooting Meteor

Planar Set

  • Talia: Kingdom of Banditry
  • Space Sealing Station
  • Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern

HSR Rappa Light Cones

Premium Options

Ninjutsu Inscription: Dazzling Evilbreaker

Ninjutsu Inscription Dazzling Evilbreaker

Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 60% / 70% / 80% / 90% / 100% When entering battle, immediately regenerates 30 / 32.5 / 35 / 37.5 / 40 Energy. After the wearer uses Ultimate, obtains “Raiton.” After using 2 Basic ATKs, advances the wearer’s action by 50% / 55% / 60% / 65% / 70% and removes “Raiton.” After the wearer uses Ultimate, resets “Raiton.”

Rappa’s Signature Light Cone does not just improve her damage overall, it changes how she can be played. This Light Cone smooths out her early rotation by giving her a huge amount of energy at the start of the battle. Furthermore, the Action Advance from the “Raiton” effect is a huge DPS increase as it lets her unleash all three Enhanced Basic Attacks quickly so she can re-enter the Sealform state faster as well. Last but not least, Rappa requires a huge amount of Break Effect to reach the requirement for the Iron Cavalry relic set and to improve her DPS in general, which this Light Cone alleviates by granting a hefty Break Effect bonus.

After the Charmony Fall

After the Charmony Fall

Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 28% / 35% / 42% / 49% / 56% After the wearer uses Ultimate, increases SPD by 8% / 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% , lasting for 2 turn(s).

The only other Erudition Light Cone that gives Break Effect. The Speed increase from the second effect is also quite beneficial and can help with Rappa’s rotation.

F2P Options

Eternal Calculus

Increases the wearer’s ATK by 8% / 9% / 10% / 11% / 12% After using an attack, for each enemy target hit, additionally increases ATK by 4% / 5% / 6% / 7% / 8% This effect can stack up to 5 times and last until the next attack. If there are 3 or more enemy targets hit, this unit’s SPD increases by 8% / 10% / 12% / 14% / 16% , lasting for 1 turn(s).

This Light Cone is essentially free and gives both stats that Rappa appreciates (Attack and Speed).

HSR Rappa Main Stats

  • Body: Attack
  • Feet: Speed
  • Orb: Attack
  • Rope: Break Effect

SuperBreak DPS generally scales off Break Effect, Breaking Efficiency, Attack, Enemy Defense, and the amount of Actions they can do. Thus, for Body and Orb, Attack% is the best choice for Rappa.

For Rope, Break Effect is the best option for similar reasons. For Boot, Speed will be more beneficial than Attack due to its being one of the few sources for Speed that Rappa can get, and she generally does not need that much attack after 3,200 to max out her traces.

HSR Rappa Sub Stats

  • Break Effect
  • Speed
  • Attack

The main goal is to reach 250% Break Effect and 3,200 Attack in combat to take full advantage of the Iron Cavalry relic set and her major trace. Afterward, Speed is quite beneficial to let Rappa break faster and deal more Enhanced Basic Attack, and also to max the bonus of Talia planar set if running it.

Speed Tuning

Goal: As much Speed as possible, but only after reaching 250%+ Break Effect and 3200 Attack in combat.

Speed is very beneficial for Rappa but only after securing enough Break Effect and Attack. Action Advance serves the same purpose as Speed for her, which can be granted via her signature Light Cone or the Dance Dance Dance Light Cone used by Harmony Trailblazer or Ruan Mei.

There is not a specific Speed breakpoint to hit due to various factors and her Ultimate fully advancing her, but trying to get as much Speed sub as possible without compromising Break Effect should be the goal.

HSR Rappa Relics

Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge

2-Pc: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
4-Pc: If the wearer’s Break Effect is 150% or higher, the Break DMG dealt to the enemy target ignores 10% of their DEF. If the wearer’s Break Effect is 250% or higher, the Super Break DMG dealt to the enemy target additionally ignores 15% of their DEF.

This is the best set for Rappa by far. It grants both Break Effect and a huge 25% Defense Ignore bonus that scales very well with Super Break, especially when paired with her E1 or Ruan Mei E1. The requirement for the second bonus can be hard to reach without the signature Light Cone.

Thief of Shooting Meteor

2-Pc: Increases Break Effect by 16%.
4-Pc: Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 16%. After the wearer inflicts Weakness Break on an enemy, regenerates 3 Energy.

Flat Energy is quite beneficial to Rappa as it lets her get back into the Sealform state quickly, especially considering her high Ultimate cost. In Pure Fiction, this set can outperform Iron Cavalry as higher Ultimate uptime is more valuable than more damage in that mode.

HSR Rappa Planar Sets

Talia: Kingdom of Banditry

2-Pc: Increases the wearer’s Break Effect by 16%. When the wearer’s SPD reaches 145 or higher, the wearer’s Break Effect increases by an extra 20%.

Talia offers the most Break Effect out of all planar but has a Speed requirement to reach for the second bonus. With Speed Boot and Ruan Mei’s field effect, this should not be too hard for Rappa to reach.

Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern

2-Pc: Increases the wearer’s SPD by 6%. When the wearer hits an enemy target that has Fire Weakness, the wearer’s Break Effect increases by 40%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

Kalpagni bonuses are competitive but only against Fire-weak enemies due to the condition of the secondary effect.

Space Sealing Station

Space Sealing Station

2-Pc: Increases the wearer’s ATK by 12%. When the wearer’s SPD reaches 120 or higher, the wearer’s ATK increases by an extra 12%.

Space Sealing Station is purely a stats stick option as Rappa does not scale off many stats. Only use this over Talia if you can get really good subs and the right main stats on it.

HSR Rappa Teammates


Ruan Mei

HSR Portrait Ruan Mei

Ruan Mei is one of the de facto teammates for Rappa and the SuperBreak team in particular. While her Break delay may have some anti-synergy with Rappa’s talent, her overwhelming amount of powerful effects including teamwide Break Efficiency, Speed Boost, and Break Effect boosts are extremely crucial to Rappa’s performance.

Harmony Trailblazer

While Rappa has Super Break built into her kit, Harmony Trailblazer offers a higher Superbreak modifier which is a huge boost in Rappa’s damage output. Furthermore, Harmony Trailblazer is a very effective carrier of strong Harmony Light Cone like Dance Dance Dance or Ruan Mei’s signature Light Cone thanks to their high uptime Ultimate. Last but not least, Harmony Trailblazer also shares elements with Rappa and has fantastic breaking capacity, making them the perfect partner.



HSR Portrait Lingsha

Lingsha is easily the best sustain for the AoE SuperBreak team thanks to her massive amount of AoE attacks to trigger it. Lingsha is also quite SP-hungry if played as a deliverer of SuperBreak instances, and Rappa has lower SP consumption compared to units like Firefly or Boothill at E0 level, making her a strong candidate for the sustain slot.


HSR Portrait Gallagher

Gallagher is more single-target-centric than Lingsha and is another strong break-centric healer option.

HSR Rappa Teams

Rappa Standard Superbreak Team

HSR Rappa Team

Rappa has very restricted team requirements. The SuperBreak team is her absolute best team and her performance plummets when she does not have either Ruan Mei or Harmony Trailblazer.

In the future, if any units can implement the Exo Toughness mechanic that was already in the game to all enemies, such units will automatically become some of her strongest teammates as they can let her gain Charge stacks a lot more frequently.

HSR Rappa Pull Value and Conclusion

HSR Rappa Feature Art

Rappa is a very one-dimensional and rather luxurious unit. As far as SuperBreak DPS goes, Firefly is at the top of the food chain and they both use the same teammates. So any player who already has Firefly would need a complete second SuperBreak team to justify pulling Rappa.

While Rappa will be better than Firefly in Pure Fiction, Rappa is not even amongst the top contenders for that mode the same way Jade is, which further lowers her attractiveness as a potential DPS option.

As an Erudition unit, Rappa is already at a disadvantage in more single-target-centric modes like Memory of Chaos or Apocalyptic Shadow, although there are AoE-focused bosses where she can excel. Furthermore, Rappa is extremely reliant on her Signature Light Cone, and it is not recommended to pull her without it since her performance will be quite lackluster.

Overall, Rappa is a rather underwhelming unit compared to the more powerful and ubiquitous DPSs of 2.x patches like Feixiao, Acheron, Yunli, Boothill, or Firefly. While she is far from a terrible unit, she is too limited in what she can do and too inefficient for the number of pulls she would potentially cost, and is a pretty safe skip for most players.

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