Honkai Star RailGuides

Feixiao HSR – Guide, Skills, Builds, Teams & More

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Feixiao is quite possibly the strongest Single Target Damage Dealer and easily the strongest Wind Damage Dealer released so far.

Being a Follow-up Attack and Ultimate centric Damage Dealer with exceptional damage output and breaking, Feixiao can shine in various environments and is certainly one of the top-tier choices for most of the current endgame contents of Honkai Star Rail.

To be more specific, she is a stellar unit for Memory of Chaos, Apocalyptic Shadow, and high-difficulty Divergent/Simulated Universe. Depending on the team and certain blessings, she can be a good pick for Pure Fiction as well.

HSR Feixiao Release Date

Feixiao’s banner will be in the first half of Version 2.5 releasing on September 9th, 2024 and will run until October 2nd, 2024.

HSR Feixiao Talents

Feixiao HSR Kit Overview (Trace Level 10)

Similar to Acheron, Feixiao does not use energy but instead has a special stack system. She gains 1 stack for every two attacks performed by allies, up to 12 stacks can be stored. She can consume 6 stacks at every time to unleash her Ultimate. She starts the battle with 3 stacks and gains an extra stack when entering combat with her Technique.

Speaking of her Ultimate, this is an extremely powerful single-target nuke that deals a whopping 700% multiplier to a target and can reduce the target’s Toughness Bar regardless of their elements. If the target is not broken, Feixiao gains 100% Break Efficiency during the target. Her ultimate is also considered a follow-up attack which lets her benefit from follow-up attack-related buffs as well.

Feixiao talent lets her launch a follow-up attack equal to 110% of her track when an ally launches an attack. This effect can only occur once every Feixiao’s turn and the trigger is reset at the start of her turn. Feixiao skill deals 200% of her attack and also immediately launches a talent follow-up attack, but this does not consume her talent trigger.

Feixiao HSR Core Skills

Basic Attack – Boltsunder

Basic Attack - Boltsunder

Deals Wind Damage equal to 100% of Feixiao’s Attack to a single target enemy.

Skill – Waraxe

Skill - Waraxe

Deals Wind Damage equal to 200% of Feixiao’s Attack to an enemy, and immediately launches Talent’s follow-up attack against the target 1 time.

Ultimate – Terrasplit

Ultimate - Terrasplit

Launches Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward, for a total of 6 times. Each Boltsunder Blitz or Waraxe Skyward deals 60% of Feixiao attack, with Boltsunder Blitz dealing 90% instead if the target enemy is Weakness Broken while Waraxe Skyward deals 90% instead if the target enemy is not Weakness Broken.
Then deals Wind Damage equal to 160% of Feixiao’s Attack to the target.
This attack can reduce the target’s Toughness regardless of Weakness Type. If the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao’s Weakness Break Efficiency increases by 100% during the ultimate duration.

Talent – Thunderhunt

Talent - Thunderhunt

The Ultimate can be activated when Flying Aureus reaches 6 stacks, up to 12 stacks. Feixiao gains 1 stack of Flying Aureus for every 2 attacks used by ally targets. Attacks from Feixiao’s Ultimate are not counted.
After other teammates use an attack against an enemy, Feixiao immediately launches follow-up attacks against the primary target, dealing Wind Damage equal to 110% of Feixiao’s Attack. If no primary targets are available to attack, Feixiao attacks a single random enemy instead. This effect can only trigger 1 time per turn and the trigger count is reset at the start of Feixiao’s turn. When using this attack, it increases damage dealt by Feixiao by 60%, lasting for 2 turn(s).

Technique – Stormborn

Technique - Stormborn

After using the Technique, this character enters the Onrush state, lasting for 20 seconds. While in the Onrush state, this character pulls in enemies within a certain range, increases Speed by 35%, and receives 1 point(s) of Flying Aureus after entering battle.
Active attacks in the Onrush state will strike all pulled enemies and enter combat. After entering battle, deal Wind Damage equal to 200% of Feixiao’s Attack to all enemies at the start of each wave. This Damage is guaranteed to Crit. When more than 1 enemy is pulled in, increase the multiplier of this Damage by 100% for each additional enemy pulled in, up to an increase of 1000%.

Feixiao HSR Traces



When using Skill, Attack increases by 48%, lasting for 3 turn(s).



When using Ultimate to deal Crit Damage to an enemy target, it is considered as a follow-up attack. Increases Crit Damage dealt by follow-up attack by 36%.



Receive 3 point(s) of Flying Aureus at the start of the battle.
At the start of the turn, if follow-up attack is not launched via Talent in the turn prior, it counts as gaining 1 point of Flying Aureus toward the required attack count.

Feixiao HSR Eidolons

HSR Feixiao Eidolon 6

E1 Skyward I Quell: After launching “Boltsunder Blitz” or “Waraxe Skyward,” additionally increases the Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by an amount equal to 10% of the original DMG, stacking up to 5 time(s) and lasting until the end of the Ultimate action.
E2 Moonward I Wish: In the Talent’s effect, for every 1 instance of follow-up attack launched by ally targets, Feixiao gains 1 point of “Flying Aureus.” This effect can trigger up to 6 time(s) per turn.
E3 Starward I Bode: Ultimate Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Basic ATK Lv. +1, up to a maximum of Lv. 10.
E4 Stormward I Hear: The follow-up attack from Talent has its Toughness Reduction increased by 100%, and when it launches, increases this unit’s SPD by 8%, lasting for 2 turn(s).
E5 Heavenward I Leap: Skill Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15. Talent Lv. +2, up to a maximum of Lv. 15.
E6 Homeward I Near: Increases the All-Type RES PEN of Ultimate DMG dealt by Feixiao by 20%. Talent’s follow-up attack DMG is considered as Ultimate DMG at the same time, and its DMG multiplier increases by 140%.

Eidolon Priority

Feixiao has relatively strong Eidolons for Damage Dealers and is one of the few with both good E1-E2 and a decent E4. While she is very competitive at the base E0S1 level, she is a good unit to vertically invest.

However, it is worth noting that investing in Robin (her Eidolon 1 and to a lesser degree Signature Light Cone specifically) is more efficient as a way to improve Feixiao. Players should at least secure Robin Eidolon 1 minimum before further investing in Feixiao’s Eidolon as it has a huge impact on both Feixiao team performance and the account’s overall level as a whole.

Eidolon 1: Priority High

Essentially this Eidolon makes every subsequent Boltsunder Blitz/Waraxe Skyward (the initial 6 hits of her Ultimate) get an additional 10% boost to their multiplier value. As Feixiao’s main damage output is from her Ultimate, this is a strong Eidolon to start.

Eidolon 2: Priority Very High

Her strongest early Eidolons. This Eidolon is essentially a huge improvement in stack generation in a team with teammates with high followup attack frequency like Topaz, Moze or Hunt March 7th. This is the best stopping point for players that want to invest in her but not going all the way to E6.

Eidolon 4: Priority Medium

A lot of Damage Dealers have very mediocre E4, some of them don’t even boost their damage output or ease of use. Thankfully, for any players who are willing to invest, Feixiao’s E4 is an acceptable improvement.

Eidolon 6: Priority Very High

Befitting the cost it takes, her E6 is a massive improvement in DPS output. It increases her follow-up attack base multiplier by essentially double and turns into Ultimate damage which allows it to benefit from both Ultimate and follow-up attack buffs or blessings. Furthermore, it increases her Ultimate Damage via an extra 20% RES PEN which is generally very useful for brute forcing.

Feixiao HSR Build Guide Overview

Light Cones

  • I Venture Forth To Hunt (Signature)
  • Baptism of Pure Thought (Premium)
  • Cruising In The Stellar Sea (F2P)
  • Only Silence Remain (F2P Gacha)
  • Swordplay (F2P Gacha)

Main Stats

  • Body: Crit Rate >> Crit DMG
  • Feet: Attack/Speed
  • Orb: Wind Damage > Attack
  • Rope: Attack


  • The Wind Soaring Valorous
  • Eagle of Twilight Line
  • The Ashblazing Grand Duke

Planar Set

  • Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
  • Inert Salsotto
  • Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

HSR Feixiao Light Cones

Premium Options

I Venture Forth To Hunt

I Venture Forth To Hunt

Increases the wearer’s Crit Rate by 15%/17.5%/20%/22.5%/25%. When the wearer launches a follow-up attack, they gain 1 stack of Luminflux to a max of 2.0 stack(s). Each stack of Luminflux enables the Ultimate DMG deal by the wearer to ignore 27%/30%/33%/36%/39% of the target’s DEF. When the wearer’s turn ends, remove 1 stack of Luminflux.

Feixiao’s signature Light Cone and her obvious Best In Slot. This Light Cone provides a good Crit Rate increase to make building her easier and a whopping 78% Defense Ignore for her Ultimate.

Baptism of Pure Thought

Baptism of Pure Thought

Increases the wearer’s Crit DMG by 20%/23%/26%/29%/32% . For every debuff on the enemy target, the wearer’s Crit DMG dealt against this target additionally increases by 8%/9%/10%/11%/12% , stacking up to 3.0 times. When using Ultimate to attack the enemy target, the wearer receives the Disputation effect, which increases DMG dealt by 36%/42%/48%/54%/60% and enables their follow-up attacks to ignore 24%/28%/32%/36%/40% of the target’s DEF. This effect lasts for 2.0 turns.

Interestingly enough, people who have gone for Dr. Ratio’s Signature Lightcone can definitely make use of it for Feixiao. While it is very conditional on applying debuffs to the enemy, teammates like Moze or Topaz can fulfill the conditions, making this Light Cone quite competitive (about 10% worse than Feixiao Signature Light Cone).

F2P Options

Cruising In The Stellar Sea

Cruising In The Stellar Sea

Increases the wearer’s Crit rate by 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% , and increases their Crit rate against enemies with HP percentage less than or equal to 50% by an extra 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% . When the wearer defeats an enemy, their Attack is increased by 20%/25%/30%/35%/40% for 2.0 turn(s).

Cruising is one of the most splashable F2P options in the game for Hunt unit, providing a highly appreciated Crit Rate and good base stats for Feixiao if players cannot afford premium options. Similar to many limited DPS, expect around a 25-30% dropoff in performance compared to her Signature Light Cone.

Only Silence Remain

Only Silence Remain

Increases the wearer’s Attack by 16%/20%/24%/28%/32% . If there are 2 or fewer enemies on the field, increase the wearer’s Crit Rate by 12%/15%/18%/21%/24%.

At Super Imposition 5, Only Silence Remain is quite competitive with Cruising In The Stellar Sea and is the best out of the 4 stars Light Cone option.



For each time the wearer hits the same target, DMG dealt increases by 8%/10%/12%/14%/16% , stacking up to 5.0 time(s). This effect will be dispelled when the wearer changes targets.

At Super Imposition 5, Swordplay can outperform Only Silence Remain S5 and even Cruising In The Stellar Sea if Feixiao only focuses on one target and maintains the uptime of Swordplay’s buff.

HSR Feixiao Main Stats

Body: Crit Rate >> Crit Damage

Feixiao has a very high innate Crit Damage buff from her kit and also from most of her BIS teammates, making maxing Crit Rate via gear a Critical goal for her build. Crit Damage chest can work if she can reach a high Crit Rate without Crit Rate chest.

Feet: Attack/Speed

There are two ways to go with Feixiao’s Boots. Attack boots are best for damage output if her team can generate stacks fast enough for her. (i.e with a high-frequency sub dps or sustain like Topaz / Moze or Aventurine, or/and with a speed buffer like Hunt March 7th, Sparkle or Bronya with E2)

Speed lets her generate more stacks which result in weaker but more requent Ultimate (i.e when used with 100% Turn Advancer like Bronya). Speed in general is only useful when hitting a critical breakpoint like 134 or 160 and/or tuning specifically with a support like Bronya.

Do note that Feixiao has A LOT of attack buffs generally in several of her teams (via Robin, her self-buff, Bronya’s Ultimate, etc). Feixiao also has a relatively high base Speed so it is quite easy for her to hit a relevant breakpoint even with an Attack boot.

Orb: Wind Damage > Attack

While Attack orb can work, Attack is generally a bit saturated as a damage stats for Feixiao so prioritize a Wind Damage orb for her.

Rope: Attack

Feixiao doesn’t benefit much from the other stats available from Rope so Attack% will do the most for her.

HSR Feixiao Sub Stats

  • Crit Rate/Crit Damage
  • Speed
  • Attack

HSR Feixiao Relics

The Wind Soaring Valorous

The Wind Soaring Valorous

  • 2-Pc: Increases Attack by 12%.
  • 4-Pc: Increases the wearer’s Crit Rate by 6%. After the wearer uses follow-up attack, increases Damage dealt by Ultimate by 36%, lasting for 1 turn(s).

This set is pretty much tailor-made for Feixiao as her main damage output is from her Ultimate and she can trigger its condition pretty much permanently. The stats it gives from the 4 pieces bonus also let her hit a high Crit Rate easier.

Eagle of Twilight Line

Eagle of Twilight Line

  • 2-Pc: Increases Wind Damage by 10%.
  • 4-Pc: After the wearer uses their Ultimate, their action is Advanced Forward by 25%.

The set itself is good as both bonuses are quite strong for Feixiao, but the domain for this relic is quite bad, so only use this set if you farm it for your Supports and happen to get a lot of double Crit pieces. This set gets stronger with Eidolon 2 as Feixiao loves getting turn advanced for more stacks, but this set is still worse than Valorous overall.

The Ashblazing Grand Duke

The Ashblazing Grand Duke

  • 2-Pc: Increases the Damage dealt by follow-up attack by 20%.
  • 4-Pc: When the wearer uses follow-up attacks, increases the wearer’s Attack by 6% for every time the follow-up attack deals Damage. This effect can stack up to 8 time(s) and lasts for 3 turn(s). This effect is removed the next time the wearer uses a follow-up attack.

An acceptable alternative as a lot of players most likely farm this domain (and Echoes of War). The 2pc Bonus works for both her follow-up attack and Ultimate. The 4 pc Bonus is essentially useless for talent follow-up attacks but not that bad for her Ultimate as it hits for 7 times total.

HSR Feixiao Planar Sets

Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

  • 2-Pc: When an ally uses follow-up attack, the wearer gains 1 stack of Merit, stacking up to 5 time(s). Each stack of Merit increases the Damage dealt by the wearer’s follow-up attacks by 5%. When there are 5 stacks, additionally increases the wearer’s Crit Damage by 25%.

Easily Feixiao’s best in slot. Her team has 0 trouble getting this set full bonus online in minimal time, and the overall bonus is exceptional.

Inert Salsotto

Inert Salsotto

  • 2-Pc: Increases the wearer’s Crit Rate by 8%. When the wearer’s current Crit Rate reaches 50% or higher, the Damage dealt by the wearer’s Ultimate and follow-up attack increases by 15%.

Her next best option. While Salsotto’s overall bonus is lower than Duran in terms of value (16% Crit Value vs 25% Crit Value, 15% Damage vs 25% Damage), it has the advantage of Crit Rate being a more valuable stats for Feixiao than Crit Damage and can make building her easier. Furthermore, Salsotto is from an old domain so a lot of players might already have good pieces lying around and save some stamina.

Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

  • 2-Pc: Increases the wearer’s Attack by 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same Path as the wearer, then the wearer’s Crit Rate increases by 12%.

A good placeholder option when used with Topaz / Moze / Hunt March 7th in the party. Gives the highest Crit Rate out of all her planar options.

HSR Feixiao Teammates



HSR Portrait Robin

By far Feixiao’s most important and impactful synergy. Feixiao gains a significant amount of amplifications from Robin’s buffs, and the high frequency of Feixiao’s attacks both work as an effective delivery of Robin’s bonus damage as well as her energy battery.

Robin’s teamwide advance is also extremely potent as it effectively serves as stack generation for Feixiao. Without Robin, players will experience a quite significant dropoff in performance for Feixiao.


HSR Portrait Bronya

Turn Advancer has great synergy with Feixiao since Feixiao’s skills are one of her primary ways to generate stacks. Bronya also provides a huge on-turn damage boost, which Feixiao greatly appreciates as she can hold her ultimate and unleash it on the turn she gets Bronya’s boost.

Bronya works best with Robin in the hyper-carry Feixiao team. She can also use her skill on Robin to quickly get the other into Ultimate’s range, then Robin will refund the action by pulling everyone forward, which is a very effective strategy for high points Apocalyptic Shadow run. If players have E4 Bronya, she becomes even more potent as a stack generator for Feixiao.

Bronya’s main problem is that both she and Feixiao are very Skill Point hungry, and even with a fast and efficient SP generator like Gallagher might not be able to sustain the SP economy without some creative rotations/setups.


HSR Portrait Sparkle

Sparkle functions as either a Speed boot for Feixiao (if Feixiao uses Attack Boot) or a straight-up Turn Advancer (for the +1 Speed set up with Feixiao being faster than her). Sparkle has the advantage of not worrying about the SP economy compared to Bronya, meaning the sustain can be a more SP-hungry unit like Lingsha or Aventurine. She can also do a similar Robin’s rotation by pulling Robin forward. Sparkle is also quite flexible with Light Cone options compared to Bronya, and thus can utilize powerful LC like Dance Dance Dance more effectively.

The main problem with Sparkle is that she mainly buffs Crit Damage which is quite saturated in the team (especially with Aventurine as the sustain), and that she doesn’t have any way of dealing damage to generate extra stacks for Feixiao.

Ruan Mei

HSR Portrait Ruan Mei

Ruan Mei does not have any notable synergy for Feixiao, except for the fact that her buffs are quite generic and splashable. Speed, Break Efficiency, Damage, and Res Pen are all useful stats for Feixiao and she can be used as a placeholder until players get more synergistic Harmony.


HSR Portrait Pela

Of the units with Defense Shred, Pela is the most SP-friendly and can perform a lot of attacks to generate stacks thanks to her high speed and low energy cost Ultimate. Defense Shred is quite strong for Feixiao with Signature Light Cone equipped as she can easily cap it, making Pela an okay teammate.


HSR Portrait Jiaoqiu

Jiaoqiu provides strong damage amplification for any Ultimate-based Damage Dealer, however, he does not attack as much and has a worse SP economy than Pela in general.



HSR Portrait Topaz

By far Feixiao best option for the Sub DPS role. Topaz has both a high frequency of attack and a powerful 50% follow-up Attack Vulnerability debuff which greatly bolsters Feixiao’s performance in general. Feixiao’s follow-up attack also advances Numby, making it a strong synergistic combination.


HSR Portrait Moze

The current iteration of Moze is quite a strong option as Feixiao’s teammate, especially if players can manage to get E6. He has a fantastic frequency of attack, and good personal damage, especially with Robin on the team. At E6, Moze is very close to a Topaz without her Signature Light Cone (around 11-13% worse based off calculations of several TCs from Feixiao mains)

Hunt March 7th

HSR Portrait Hunt March 7th

A very cheap option for Feixiao as every player can get her E6 for free. Hunt March 7th has a great frequency of attacks, a good SP economy, and also provides good buffs to Feixiao as her Master. In Apocalyptic Shadow, she is also a fantastic breaker as she can reduce the enemy’s toughness based on the element of the unit she chooses as Master.



HSR Portrait Adventurine

Aventurine is the premier follow-up attack sustain. He provided unmatched protection but also amazing stack generation for Feixiao, especially against aggressive enemies.


HSR Portrait Gallagher

The most SP-friendly sustain. Gallagher is fantastic in the Bronya / Robin core as he can provide both SP to the team and Energy via the Quid Pro Quo Light Cone. For pure stacks generation, he can even use the Multiplication Light Cone.


HSR Portrait Lingsha

Lingsha has a worse SP economy than Gallagher but better healing performance for more comfort and still has a really good stack generation thanks to her summon.

HSR Feixiao Teams

Feixiao Follow-Up Team

HSR Feixiao Follow-Up Team

This is Feixiao’s Best In Slot team. Topaz and Aventurine provide an incredible amount of stacks for Feixiao, and all three are boosted by Robin and deal fantastic single-target damage.

Alternatives to Topaz are Moze or Hunt March 7th, while Lingsha and Gallagher can both be decent Aventurine alternatives.

Feixiao Hyper Carry Team

HSR Feixiao Hyper Carry Team

This team is for players who want to play hyper carry Feixiao. This team will have less stack generation than the other variant but still pack great damage thanks to the high amount of amplification provided by the second Harmony/Nihility unit.

Sparkle and to a lesser degree Pela/Ruan Mei/Jiaoqiu or even Asta/Hanya can be good alternatives for Bronya. Gallagher can be replaced by Aventurine or Lingsha.

HSR Feixiao Pull Value and Conclusion

Feixiao is, by far and large, the most effective “driver” or utilizer of Robin that Honkai Star Rail has gotten up to this point.

Ever since her release, Robin has consistently stayed amongst the top 2 units in the game in sheer power and utility, but she has never gotten an extremely potent partner to fully take advantage of everything she has to offer … until Feixiao.

As long as Robin is present in the account, Feixiao will prove a very formidable and valuable pull, especially for any accounts still lacking in performance in endgame modes like Apocalyptic Shadow, Memory of Chaos, or Divergent Universe.

Without Robin or the amount of pulls to guarantee both, Feixiao is a reasonably safe skip.

Thanks for Reading! For more resources, check out our other Honkai Star Rail Guides.