Diablo IVGuides

Diablo 4 Season 7: Rootholds and Draught of Whispers Guide

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Beginners Guide to Rootholds and Draught of Whispers

Rootholds, or as I like to call them, Lootholds, are the new seasonal Nightmare Dungeons added to Diablo 4 for Season 7! Rootholds give players the opportunity to farm restless rot and Fugitive Heads and even encounter a rare Forgotten Altar all in one densely packed location.

They also have the added bonus of dropping the best gear in the game. That’s right! Ancestral legendaries, uniques, and if you get super lucky, you might even get your hands on a mythic unique or 2. If all that’s not enough, herbs, iron chunks, and rawhide can be farmed here too!

Find the best builds for Season 7 at our Diablo 4 Tier List.

Rootholds Characters

Roothold Sigils

Much like your standard Nightmare Dungeons, you’ll need special Roothold Sigils to access them.

Blistering Roothold Whispering Wood

Players can obtain these Sigils by:

  • Completing your Seasonal Journey tasks and opening your chapter reward cashes.
  • Opening Whispers of the Dead Cashes can be earned by completing Whisper quests.
  • Using Whispering Keys obtained from the Obol vendor to open Silent Chests which are found scattered around Sanctuary.

Scattered Prism

These Roothold Sigils act exactly like Nightmare Sigils, so when you acquire one, just use it and teleport directly into the dungeon by way of your Map.

Blistering Roothold

Draught of Whispers

Now, before you start blasting, be sure to use a Draught of Whispers potion to maximize your chances of encountering a Forgotten Altar and/or obtaining an elusive Fugitive Head.

Draught of Whispers

Draught of Whispers – Doubles the chances of encountering a Forgotten Altar in Dungeons. Additionally, it increases the chances of encountering a Fugitive Head by 50%. These potions last for 1 hour and stack with your Elixirs.

There are several ways to obtain Draught of Whispers:

  • Like Roothold Sigils, Draught of Whispers can be obtained by opening Whisper Cashes. This makes getting a decent stack of these potions pretty easy as Tree of Whispers is a big part of the Season 7 theme.
  • Completing Whispers in Season 7 also gives you Coven Favor, which levels up your Coven Rank. Levelling up your Coven Rank gives you access to Coven Crates, and opening some of these Coven Crates will reward you with Draught of Whispers. Coven Ranks can be done on every character you create for Season 7.
  • While you’re blasting your way through Headhunts and completing your Whispers quests you’ll come in contact with Exposed Roots. Activating these Exposed Roots and obliterating the Headrotten that spawn will sometimes reward you with a Draught of Whispers drop.

Clearing Rootholds

To clear each Roothold, you must complete a combination of 2 Rites, Rituals, or Ceremonies.

Rootholds Ceremony

When activated, these are randomly generated and will give you both a buff and a debuff. If you’re lucky, you’ll have the choice of activating 2 Ceremonies, yielding the largest return for your efforts. But beware my fellow Hardcore players, some of these debuffs are pretty strong and can reduce your resistance by 20%!

Once you’ve cleared the Roothold, it’s Boss killing time! Enter the Boss room and pray your luck pays off for a Fugitive Head Boss spawn. But, no matter your luck, slay the boss and watch the loot rain down.

In Conclusion

Rootholds are easily one of the best activities ever added to Diablo 4. Efficient, fun, and incredibly rewarding. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do!

Good luck and happy farming adventures!