How to Get Ikelos Shotgun V1.0.3 in Destiny 2 – Ikelos Shotgun V1.0.3 God Rolls for PvE and PvP
Season of the Seraph is here and reprises some weapons from the Warmind DLC nearly 5 years ago… Yes, it was that long ago. The Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 is the newest version of one of the Warmind weapons that are back.
This 140 RPM Rapid-Fire Frame Shotgun was one of the top damage dealers in early portions of the game. The weapon has a lot of viable perks, making it a solid option for champions and majors.
How to Get Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 in Season of the Seraph
In Season of the Seraph there are Ikelos and Seraph weapons which have slightly different means to acquire. Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 is an Ikelos weapon, and to acquire Ikelos weapons the following can be completed:
Combine 4 Resonate Stems via the Resonance Amp in your inventory to create a hint to find an Override Frequency which can be seen by hovering over the Resonance Amp. Finding the Override Frequency will unlock an Ikelos Weapon.
Once an Ikelos weapon is found, it can be focused in the Helm once the Ikelos Weapon Focusing upgrade is unlocked from Clovis in the Helm. Focusing is done at Clovis in the Helm at the cost of an Umbral Engram, 50 Legendary Shards, 30 Seraphic Umbral Energy, and 4 Resonate Stems.
To ensure getting Red Frame Deepsight Ikelos weapons, the Focusing Deepsight upgrade from Clovis will need to be unlocked, and makes it such that the first Ikelos or Seraph weapon that is focused each week is a Deepsight drop.
The Ikelos Weapon Focusing and Focusing Deepsight upgrades are the 2nd and 7th respective upgrades of the Focusing Upgrades path in the first row of the Seasonal Upgrades from Clovis. To unlock these upgrades Exo Frame Modules are needed. These are received through completing the Seasonal Challenges found in the quest tab.
One of the weekly Seasonal Challenge Exo Frame Modules can be acquired through progression of the Overarching Seasonal Quest, “More Than a Weapon”, and the other from a weekly separate challenge.
How to Unlock the Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 Pattern and Craft It
5 patterns are required to craft a Seraph or Ikelos weapon. The Deepsight Focusing upgrade is the only 100% guaranteed way to get a red frame Deepsight drops, but any regular drop of these weapons has a random chance to be a Deepsight weapon.
Once 5 patterns are unlocked the weapon can be crafted at The Enclave, and then leveled up to unlock Enhanced perks as well. Below is a list of all of the available perks for Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3:

Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 PvE God Roll
- Barrel Option
- Barrel Shroud – +10 to Handling and Stability
- Magazine Option
- Tactical Mag – Adds 1 shot to the magazine size, +10 Reload Speed, and +5 Stability
- Perk Column 1
- Grave Robber – Melee final blows reload the magazine from reserves
- Subsistence – Kills with the weapon automatically reloads a percentage of the magazine
- Perk Column 2
- Swashbuckler – Damage builds up to 5 stacks. A weapon kill gives one stack and a melee kill gives 5 stacks.
- 1 Stack = 6.6% bonus damage
- 2 Stacks = 13.2% bonus damage
- 3 Stacks = 20% bonus damage
- 4 Stacks = 26.4% bonus damage
- 5 Stacks = 33% bonus damage
- Swashbuckler – Damage builds up to 5 stacks. A weapon kill gives one stack and a melee kill gives 5 stacks.
- Trench Barrel – Dealing melee damage makes the next 3 shots deal 50% more damage for a short duration

There are a lot of options here. Tactical Mag is a great option for the bonus stats it gives and the increase to magazine size. Barrel Shroud is the option here as in PvE you want Handling and Reload Speed for shotguns, and this is the only option that contributes to one of those stats without reducing the other.
As for perks, Grave Robber and Swashbuckler are solid perks that synergize very well with one another as a melee kill reloads the magazine entirely and gives 33% bonus damage. Trench Barrel is a good alternative option which lets you melt champions with a melee, 3 shot combo.
Ikelos_SG_V1.0.3 PvP God Roll
- Barrel Option
- Rifled Barrel – Gives +10 to Range and -15 Handling
- Magazine Option
- Accurized Rounds – +10 to Range
- Perk Column 1
- Threat Detector – Grants increased, Handling, Stability, and Reload Speed if near an enemy, gives an extra bonus if near 2 enemies
- Pugilist – Gives melee energy on kills
- Perk Column 2
- Swashbuckler – Damage builds up to 5 stacks. A weapon kill gives one stack and a melee kill gives 5 stacks.
- 1 Stack = 6.6% bonus damage
- 2 Stacks = 13.2% bonus damage
- 3 Stacks = 20% bonus damage
- 4 Stacks = 26.4% bonus damage
- 5 Stacks = 33% bonus damage

Range and Handling are the desired traits. Unfortunately Rifled Barrel takes away from Handling, but the Range bonus is too good to pass up. Rifled Barrel is a great shotgun option as it gives a nice Range boost without altering the pellet spread. Threat Detector is a solid option for neutral game and indirectly gives information about enemies who may be overlapping on the radar. Pugilist is an alternative option if your shotgun build is based around strong melee options such as Arc Warlock’s Lightning Surge melee ability. Swashbuckler is still a good option for PvP as with lower damaging shotguns, getting melee kills are more common, giving a 33% damage bonus which can be used to get very long range kills.
Wrap Up
Season of the Seraph makes it much easier to target farm weapons. There are 10 new weapons to chase, so there are a lot of Red Frames to collect. You can only get 1 guaranteed Red Frame weapon per week, but each drop does have a chance to be a Deepsight Weapon.
Because of this, weapon frames can be farmed, but luck is involved. So whether you decide to take the grind slow and target specific weapons, or test your luck by grinding out random drops, good luck with your quest for getting new additions to your arsenal for Lightfall!
Thanks for reading! Don’t miss our other Destiny 2 weapon guides.