
Deadlock McGinnis Guide and Overview (Beginner Tips)

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Deadlock: Mcginnis Character Overview

Welcome to our Deadlock McGinnis guide where we cover the fundamentals of her abilities, strengths and weaknesses, and give beginner-friendly tips.

Anyone can pick up McGinnis easily and be effective with her turrets, healing, and large magazine. An expert can really shine with great positioning, headshot damage, and incredible wall usage to win team fights.

She is an excellent hero if you want versatility and a great curve to learn the game on.

Don’t miss our list of all Deadlock characters and their abilities.

Character Overview

deadlock mcginnis full character select


  • Can entrench a position with turrets giving the team clear advantages
  • Heal gives her team great sustainability to augment her already strong push positions
  • Powerful early and mid game with her weapon magazine and kit


  • No innate mobility so can be vulnerable to ganks or bad positioning
  • Damage falls off late game compared to other heroes since she relies on making herself immobile to maximize DPS
  • No CC unless you invest heavily in wall early

Weapon Stats

Bullet Damage
Bullets per sec
Light Melee
Heavy Melee

Vitality Stats

Max Health
Health Regen
Bullet Resist
Spirit Resist
6.5 m/s | 0 m/s
Movespeed | Sprint Speed

Deadlock McGinnis Abilities

Mini Turret (1)

mcginnis mini turret

Deploy a Mini Turret that automatically shoots enemies. The turret expires after a limited lifetime. Turrets gain 40% of McGinnis’s max health and have 60% Spirit Resist. They deal reduced damage to troopers and objectives.

  • Maxing her signature turret will make you a pain in the butt to dislodge. You get more turrets, they slow people, have more range, and do more damage.


  • If you do invest in turrets early, make sure to get Extra Charge and Rapid Charge as they will give you three extra turrets to deploy and faster cooldowns. In fact, getting Extra Charge for 500 early on is almost always a good idea if you use turrets often.
  • Remember turrets benefit from Spirit, so if you want them to be strong you won’t be. Depending on how you like to play, choose accordingly.

Medicinal Specter (2)

mcginnis medicinal specter

Deploy a spirit that heals nearby units.

  • Maxing her heal increases its potency, gives you an attack speed buff, and lets you use it more often. The final point scales it with total HP, so your tanks will love you during long drawn-out engagements.


  • Spirit increases the duration of the heal, which increases total heal so keep that in mind when you choose items. If you are going for a turret build, you will have better heals.
  • In a straight-up DPS fight standing in the heal and giving yourself an attack speed buff can turn the tables.

Spectral Wall (3)

mcginnis spectral wall

Creates a wall that divides the terrain in half. On creation, the wall deals damage and applies slow to enemies nearby. After casting, press [LMC] or [3] to erupt the wall early.

  • Maxing your wall lets you use it more often and also hinders your foes more, culminating with a stun when you put in the final 5 points.


  • Advanced McGinnis players tend to put points here early so they can control the battlefield and set up really strong ganks for their teammates. Get comfortable using this often, but play defensively if it’s down as it’s your only defensive option vs aggressive enemy plays.
  • Try and aim your wall so it passes through and you press the deploy button right after that, locking in your opponent with their back to the wall, making it very hard to escape.

Heavy Barrage (4)

mcginnis heavy barrage

Unleashes a volley of rockets that home in on a targeted location.

  • Maxing your ultimate makes it slow opponents, usable very often, and does a ton more damage. The power spike in damage in the early game is huge, adding to her strong mid and early game capabilities.


  • As soon as you get this skill, try and take a fight, especially if your teammate has strong CC. You can do a ton of damage fast, and if you have a wall blocking them off it’s an easy kill.
  • If you don’t max this as one of your first skills and buy weapons, then this skill falls off fast, so don’t make the mistake of relying on it.