
How to Play Deadlock (Where to Get a Playtest Invite)

How to Get Invite Access and Play Deadlock

If you’re wondering how to play Deadlock, Valve’s game that recently lifted it’s NDA, you’ve come to the right place.

As of right now, there is no release date for Deadlock and the only way to participate in the private playtest.

In this article, we’ll cover the latest news for how to play Deadlock and potentially get invite access.

The NDA Discord Announcement

Deadlock was being privately tested for months under NDA for everyone who participated (unless you were dumb like The Verge and got banned for leaking).

However, on August 23rd, 2024, Valve suddenly decided to lift the NDA and allow participants to stream, discuss, and otherwise create content about the game (like the article you’re reading now!).

yoshi discord post invite only

The key part here is “We are remaining invite-only and continue to be in an early development stage with lots of temporary art and experimental gameplay.”

So how do you get an invite to play Deadlock?

How to Get a Deadlock Invite

To get a Deadlock invite, you need to know someone who currently has access.

At their homescreen, they can invite anyone who they have as a Steam friend.

deadlock playtest invite

If you don’t know any one that is currently in the playtest, head to the Deadlock subreddit where they have a specific Megathread to grant invites.

deadlock subreddit invites

That’s all for now – we will post any new methods that arise, such as open beta periods and so on.

In the meantime, we have a list of all Deadlock characters and their abilities.

Good luck!