Warcraft RumbleGuides

Warcraft Rumble Gold and Shop Guide

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How to Maximize Your Warcraft Rumble Gold and Shop

In a game like Warcraft Rumble progressing your account is a marathon. Making good decisions about how to use your resources is imperative in efficiently leveling up your account. This guide will go over how the Shop works and everything there is to know about the most important resource in the game, Gold. We will go over the many ways to earn gold and how to best spend it.


The Shop

Learning the Shop is important because it is the one spot where you can spend Gold. When opening the shop you’ll first see The G.R.I.D. which is where you will mostly spend your Gold. Below The G.R.I.D. there are various offers which we will go over first. This guide will not go over paid offers and only go over the use of in-game currency.

Gold Coin

Daily Offers

These can be found below The G.R.I.D. lower in the Shop. The most important part of this section is the top left offer. This offer is free and refreshes on a timer. Typically this free offer gives unit XP, but can occasionally give Gold and a Big Red Button. The other Daily Offers require Gold to purchase and consist of minis, Tomes, Cores, and more. It is NOT recommended to use your Gold on these offers. There are many other ways to earn these currencies through quests and PvE missions and using Gold for these offers is not worth it.

Daily Offers Shop

The G.R.I.D. Overview

This is the largest portion of the shop where you should be spending the vast majority of your gold. The G.R.I.D. is where you can buy new minis/Leaders, stars, and Talents. It is recommended to purchase any new minis and Leaders to increase your Collection Level. Do this even if you do not plan on frequently using them because the bonuses from Collection Level are great for leveling up minis.The Grid

As for Stars and Talents, it is recommended to only spend gold on minis you use or plan to use. If you see a Star offering for a mini or Leader that is of common rarity you should buy it. Talents only show up for minis and Leaders that have an open slot for a Talent after an upgrade. If you see a Talent for a mini or Leader you should check if the Talent is worth using. DO NOT buy a Talent if it is a bad one. Purchasing a bad Talent is a very detrimental mistake. This is because you cannot unlock a new Talent for a mini/Leader until the next rarity is unlocked. Once a mini is Uncommon after 3 Stars, it takes 10 Stars to get to the next rarity to change out an incorrectly chosen talent.

Check out our Tier List which shows the best units and Talent options for them.

The G.R.I.D. Mechanics

If you have purchased anything from The G.R.I.D. you should have noticed some options cycled out while some stayed. The other thing you may have noticed is that repeat Leaders cycle repeatedly. This is because the only Leaders from the Faction of the week will show up in the grid. At the top of The G.R.I.D., the logo of the weekly Faction can be seen. All minis will still appear in The G.R.I.D. regardless of Faction.

How The G.R.I.D. shifts after buying something is very important. When you purchase something, all options in the same row and column will cycle out. When something is cycled out, the options above will fall into its place rather than something new taking its spot. So if something in the second row is reset, the option above it in the first row will move into its place in the second row. For example, in the picture below everything highlighted in red will cycle out, including the Ogre Mage and Flamewaker. This can be used to purchase things to avoid cycling something out you want to buy.

Grid Mechanics

The bottom row of The G.R.I.D. is cycled out on daily reset and a new top row appears. The entirety of The G.R.I.D. can be rest with the use of a Big Red Button as well.

Maximizing The G.R.I.D.

Knowing all the mechanics of The G.R.I.D. allows you to get the most value out of it. Think of the order in which you buy things to avoid overwriting something you want. This mechanic can also be used to get XP for the unit that you want. On occasion, there is an XP bonus that will be given to a purchased mini, star, or Talent if it is in the same row or column. You can either strategically sequence when you buy things or you can use the move option for 5 gold. Using this move option is typically worth it if there is a talent that you want to avoid being cycled out as these are hard to get the exact copy you want.

Big Red Button

The other thing to be cognizant of when swapping around the grid is the amount of gold you have. Big Red Buttons reset The G.R.I.D. entirely. The only times you should use this is if you are about to hit the cap and/or if you have gold to spend. You shouldn’t reset everything if you have no gold to spend and can’t afford new things that appear. Big Red Buttons are earned randomly from free daily offers and you get one from completing an Arc Light Surge area. You can hold up to 10 of these, so feel free to use them if you have gold to spend.


Now that you know everything about the Shop, let’s go over the main currency, Gold.

Shop Resources

Earning Gold

There are a few primary means of earning gold. Most are one-and-done after completing though. Playing through the PvE track is the initial way in which to build up gold. Once the entire PvE track is beaten Heroic missions become available. These give a lot of gold. If you beat a mission with a leader for each of the 5 factions then give 300 Gold. These sources of Gold can only be completed once, same with the PvP track which gives Gold at certain trophy milestones.

Heroic Missions

Arc Light Surges provides a repeatable means of earning gold. Every other day an Arc Light Surge occurs in a zone of the map which gives 5 missions. These missions can each be completed for 60 gold. You should be doing these each time they come up as they are easy to get gold throughout the week.

The final means of gathering Gold is through your Collection Level. Leveling up minis adds points to your Collection Level. When you level up you gain Gold. Not only do you gain Gold from each level up, but you gain increased XP from all sources. This is why you should buy as many minis as possible to initially unlock them. This is also a reason to select minis that are about to level up when choosing between two minis in a tome that you use equally. If there is an option for one of your favorites, you should still go with that option. Taking actions to get your Collection Level up quickly will earn you much more XP over the long run.

Spending Gold

As mentioned earlier Gold is a hard-to-come-by resource and should only be used on things you will utilize. The one exception is buying all the minis, even those you don’t plan to use to increase Collection Level. From there you should be buying stars to get a mini up to Uncommon level after 3 stars so they can unlock a Talent.

Collection Level

Once again; Only buy the Talent you want. You cannot change it out until 10 more stars are earned for that mini. This is a very consequential choice. Once you do have the Talents of minis you want you can then freely spend your gold for stars to get minis you don’t use to much to Uncommon to increase your Collection Level as well as minis to the next rarity of 10 total stars. Increasing the rarity of a mini you use often is worth it as a rarity increase levels up the mini.

In Conclusion

That’s everything to get you started with earning and spending Gold in the Shop! Following these guidelines will help you advance as quickly as possible and will help you avoid making some painful mistakes that can cost you weeks of progression. Be sure to check back for more tips on account progression and gameplay.