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Lillia·Top Guide

Dream-Laden BoughP
Blooming BlowsQ
Watch Out! Eep!W
Lilting LullabyR
Win rate49.8%
Pick rate0.2%
Ban rate8.5%
Matches1 326-
Lillia Top has a 49.8% win rate and 0.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Lillia Top, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Lillia Top guide!
Lillia Top
Lillia Jungle
Lillia Mid
Lillia Bot
Lillia Support
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Lillia Strengths & Weaknesses

Lillia is really fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes her hard to catch out of position. It will also allow you to dodge skill shots and CC.

Unlike a lot of AP champions, Lillia can initiate and start a team fight if she can catch multiple enemies out of position with her SwirlseedE. Ping once you activate your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR so your team knows you want to go in.

It’s possible that you’re able to put the whole enemy team to sleep with your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR. This will increase the chances of your team winning the game. Try to apply your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR to as many champions as possible.


As Lillia is usually built AP, she will struggle against teams that have high burst damage. She also struggles against poke and disengage, which can make team fighting difficult for her.

While her Ultimate Lilting LullabyR is a great team fighting tool, it does take some time to come into effect. Your allies can also disrupt your damage if they deal damage to a sleepy target.

She will struggle to lane into matchups and champions that are strong early and have a lot of damage.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Lillia is Average

Lillia is really fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes her hard to catch out of position. It will also allow you to dodge skill shots and CC.

Your goal in the early game is to gain as much gold and XP as quickly as you can. Power farm and gank lanes that are overextended to increase your gold income.

Your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR is an incredibly strong tool. Whenever it is up, try to use it to help your allies get kills.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Lillia is Strong

Continue playing around with your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR to get more kills and more picks. Picking off the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon.

Keep trying your hardest to secure objectives with your team so you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy.

Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!

Late game
25+ min
Lillia is Strong

Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easy. Make sure you’re nearby so you can get in the fight fast.

Continue to play around your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR cooldown and look for fights when it’s up. Do not fight when it’s on cooldown as you’ll miss out on a lot of extra damage.

In the late game, stick with your team and look for picks with your Ultimate Lilting LullabyR. If you’re able to catch a squishy champion out of position, you can take them down and win the fight.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Her first major power spike in the laning phase is when she hits level 6. She can set up ganks for her Jungler, or look for kills to get an early lead.

When Lillia has completed her first component item, her damage output will heavily increase. She can look for more skirmishes with the enemy laner and will be able to trade frequently with them.

Between levels 4 and 5, she would’ve put multiple points in her Blooming BlowsQ. Her damage output and trading ability will be quite strong during this time.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Level 11 will be a decent power spike for Lillia as she will have an upgraded Ultimate Lilting LullabyR. The cooldown will be reduced, which will allow Lillia to make plays frequently in the game.

Her Blooming BlowsQ will be maxed out at level 9. This is really good for her as her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she will be a menace to deal with.

Lillia excels during the mid-game due to her ability to secure picks. Her Ultimate Lilting LullabyR should help her a lot in catching out roaming laners and Supports.

Late game25+ min

She will be able to max out her Ultimate Lilting LullabyR at level 16. This will drastically impact team fights since her Ultimate Lilting LullabyR will be on a very short cooldown.

Lillia is excellent in late-game team fights. This is due to her AoE abilities and mobility, which can let her get a 5-man Ultimate Lilting LullabyR.

Lillia will have multiple items by now. Her damage output and prolonged burn damage will be really obnoxious for the enemy to deal with.

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