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The Bazaar Guide

What is The Bazaar? - Tempo Storm Reynad's Long-Awaited Game

Updated on Nov 14, 2024
Nov 14, 2024

The Bazaar Explained

In 2018, Andrey “Reynad” Yanyuk, founder of Tempo Storm, announced that he was creating a new card game: The Bazaar.

Leveraging his career as a former Hearthstone pro and one of the top streamers for the game, Reynad was able to kick off the game’s development with an Indiegogo campaign that raised over $115k.

In 2020, the game received an additional $3.6M from an investment round, giving it enough of a boost to get the game across the finish line.

After much hype and anticipation, including from respected names like Kripparian, The Bazaar is finally here!

Let’s dive into how the game works and how you can play it.

The Bazaar’s Genre and Gameplay

The Bazaar was once described by Reynad as “multiplayer Slay the Spire“. If you’ve been living under a rock, Slay the Spire is one of the most influential roguelike deckbuilders of all time.

In Slay, you go on an adventure, choosing different pathways and options as you build your character’s arsenal of weapons, relics, and treasures.

When combat begins, the player chooses the sequence of cards to play and takes turns fighting against their enemies.

Your character’s run continues until they die, and then you start over again with lessons learned and see how far you can push them next time.

Similarly, the Bazaar has you play as a chosen hero that starts off with humble beginnings and gradually grows stronger through branches of choices, such as PvE encounters and vendors.

owever, rather than having to manually choose which cards to use during combat, the game begins to look more like an auto-battler like TFT as the fight will happen automatically.

Similar to TFT, the composition of your build, including how you position your cards, can have a big impact – but rather than playing in a live lobby of eight players, you’re instead playing asynchronously in The Bazaar.

The game uses a genius system that uses the “ghosts” of other players as combat encounters when you’re ready for a fight. This means that you can go AFK whenever you’d like, and return to your run while still having a PVP experience.

Your ultimate goal is to get ten wins before you die. Once your run is over, you start a fresh new one.

So in summary, the Bazaar is best described as a roguelike deckbuilder combined with an asynchronous autobattler, combining elements of both PvE and PvP.

How to Play the Bazaar

As of October 30th 2024, The Bazaar will have entered its Closed Beta, offering early access to its backers and new supporters who purchase Founder's Packs.

Sometime in December, it will become free-to-play when its Open Beta starts. Finally, once January 2024 hits, The Bazaar will fully release (the exact day is still unknown).

The Bazaar will not be on Steam and will only be available from its official launcher to play on PC on Mac.

It will eventually also be playable on mobile.

Overall, we can't wait to dive into The Bazaar. It's an innovative take on the genre it combines and is full of personality.

Our goal was to keep our description of the game in this article pretty short and succinct but understand that it has a ton of depth and is incredibly addicting!