So when should you take Chocolates and Gumballs?
Here are a few examples and what to look out for.
Item Stacking
If you're playing Pygmalien (or manage to get some of his items), Chocolates and Gumballs are attractive choices since they allow you to double dip.
Essentially, they give you their base effect while also helping you scale your stacking effects for items like Dog and Lemonade Stand.

You can also make a lot of money over time with Loupe, which increases Small Item sale value.

Early Game Aggression
Since Chocolate Bars and Green Gumballs offer small flat health increases, their effects are more valuable at the early game when players have lower health.
So if you're going for an aggressive build that wants to win early on and you have some decent starter items on your board, you can consider going for a Max HP edge.
When To Consider Gumballs
Here are some other cases where you might want to choose Gumballs:
- When you're going for a Crit build
- Crit% increases can be difficult to find
- When you have hybrid items
- If you have items that have hybrid effects, such as Shield + Heal (like Bushel) or Shield + Damage, you'll get more value in comparison to if you didn't have any Shield items (since Yellow Gumballs would be a waste).
- When you have a wide board
- The more targets your Gumballs have to hit, the more worth they become. For example, if you have a 1 Weapon build, a Bronze Red Gumball is only +1 Damage. But if you have 10 Small Items, that same Gumball becomes +10 Damage.
- When you have nothing better to choose
- Sometimes you're just going to have 2 other choices that don't make any sense. If you have the gold to spare, consider just going for whatever stat buffs you can get since some fights can be determined by a few HP.
One Last Tip...
This one might seem obvious, but make sure you have space in your inventory before buying these consumables! If you don't, you can end up wasting gold and lose out on stats.