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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Turbo Trebuchet Vanessa Build

Updated on Jan 26, 2025
Jan 26, 2025


Trebuchet has always been a rather unique Weapon. It was previously used as Haste support for Burn builds, but as of the 0.1.3 Patch, it's found a new identity as a build-around threat.

Its new "Charge on Haste or Weapon use" effect almost makes it feel like a single Weapon build, except it can actually include other Weapons.

This allows a lot of flexibility with its builds, making it easier to pivot and adapt to the options available during the run.

Be sure to check out Kripp's full VOD to see how his build came together.

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Water Wheel + Captain's Wheel

Sextant + Octopus Variant

Core Combos and Synergies

The Turbo Charging Trebuchet

A big advantage of is that it deals a lot of Weapon Damage and applies a ton of Burn simultaneously. Not only does this accelerate your clock against the opponent, it also helps punch through enemy Shield, which when active halves Burn damage taken. This can make a huge difference to your overall Damage output, as in The Bazaar, every second counts!

While a ten second Cooldown is normally very long, when paired with Haste or other Weapons it becomes a rapid firing machine. The key is assembling the fastest combination of items you can to continuously Charge the Trebuchet.

Kripp happened to find a Fiery enchant which doubled his Trebuchet's Burn value. While not mandatory, this is a massive power spike if you're lucky enough to get it.

Water Wheel

Water Wheel is the core accelerator of the build. When used it will apply Haste to adjacent items which Charges the Trebuchet. Then once the Trebuchet (or the other adjacent item) is used, the Water Wheel itself gets Charged, and the loop continues.

Kripp took this to an even crazier level by adding a Heavy enchant to the Water Wheel. It's definitely not required due to the sheer speed and aggression of this build, but a welcome addition nonetheless.

Captain's Wheel

The third piece of the puzzle is the Captain's Wheel. It functions very similarly to Water Wheel, but instead of Charging upon adjacent item use, it Charges whenever a Large item is used. It's perfect synergy with the Trebuchet + Water Wheel core.

Water WheelVanessa
Captain's WheelVanessa

Supportive Items and Skills


Cutlass is a solid supporting choice for Trebuchet builds due to its reasonable Cooldown and Multicast capabilities. This fills the available flex slot, offering extra Damage and Burn on top of Charging the Trebuchet.

Kripp picked up the Fiery Cutlass from the Tempest Flamedancer PvE Encounter, but a regular Cutlass is also great.


Bloodhound forces the clock forward the moment you put the enemy below half health. Charging all of your items four seconds keeps the pressure up as the Burn continues to tick down.

Flurry of Blows

Flurry of Blows adds even more Charge, starting right from the first Weapon use. All of these many Charge effects just compound to the point where it feels like the actual Cooldowns don't even matter. By the time all five Flurry of Blows are finished, Bloodhound is likely right around the corner!

Slowed Targets

While not super relevant for most Trebuchet builds, thanks to Kripp's Heavy enchanted Water Wheel, Slowed Targets became an incredible way to quickly stack Crit Chance. Even without dedicated supporting items, this allowed the Trebuchet to easily reach (and exceed) 100% Crit Chance, further increasing its ouput.

BloodhoundVanessa, Jules
Flurry of BlowsVanessa
Slowed TargetsVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Mak

Sextant + Octopus Variant


Sextant is a great alternative to Captain's Wheel, provided you are able to reliably Crit. If you're able to scale up to 100% Crit it creates a ton of Haste triggers putting the Trebuchet into overdrive.

Without reliable Crit Chance it becomes significantly weaker as the Haste becomes far less reliable. Either ensure you have Crit covered via skills, or prioritize upgrades on Sextant to get closer to the 100% threshold.


Octopus definitely isn't a common find, but alongside Sextant and Trebuchet it can certainly pack a punch. It's less about its own Damage, and more about the insane number of triggers it provides.

Every individual one of the eight casts will Charge the Trebuchet two seconds, and then with 100% Crit Chance, you'll get an additional eight Haste triggers (and eight more Charges). Unfortunately the internal Cooldown limits the absurdity, but even so, get ready for a long barrage of attacks!

Kripp enchanted the Octopus with Radiant to keep it safe from enemy disruption. At a base Cooldown of eight seconds, this is very useful to ensure it can go off on time.


Thrusters accelerates the combo by lowering the Cooldowns. More importantly, it speeds up the first use. When the build takes off it just keeps going. However, it isn't as quick to the draw compared to many others.

As a Dooley item this isn't a likely pickup. A reasonable alternative would be a short Cooldown Weapon that can get the Crit Haste chain started ASAP.


Inexorable is a great form of Crit scaling if you're able to pick it up early. The more fights you take on, the more permanent Crit Chance you'll build up. The best part is this applies to all items, regardless of when they are acquired.

Be sure to take on as many fights as you can. It's worth trying for a PvE Encounter at the Mountain Pass event, and other fight events should also be prioritized.
