The Bazaar Build
Kripp's Diana-Saur Dooley Build
The Bazaar is home to many unique item combos and strategies. Some builds are more offensive while others are more defensive. However, there’s also a different angle of attack - destroying your opponent’s items!
Want to ravage the enemy until they can no longer participate? Then grab a Diana-Saur and let the destruction begin.
In this guide we'll cover Kripp's Diana-Saur Dooley's core engine and supportive items/skills, but don't miss his full video guide as well.
Kripparrian's Video Guide
Example 10 Win Board
Core Combos and Synergies
The Diana-Saur Core
Diana-Saur scales its Damage based on the amount of items you destroy. Like just about every other scaling item, the sooner you can find it, the better.
While the Damage scaling is important, what you really want is the item destruction. However, in order to be effective you’ll need upgrades as soon as possible.
Diana-Saur can only destroy items when the enemy has at least X amount of (non-destroyed) items on board. At Silver tier the minimum threshold is six items. At Gold it becomes five, and Diamond becomes four.
At lower tiers you are far more limited to how many items you can destroy, meaning enemy boards with lower item counts can be far less impacted.
Try to find Diana-Saur as early as possible to make it available for the guaranteed level-up reward upgrades.
Companion Core
Companion Core is the Core of choice to keep
Diana-Saur running as fast as possible. It also works well with the other supporting Friends of the build.
It’s important to get at least one upgrade on Companion Core in order to bump up its Haste time to two seconds. This ensures you can have permanent Haste uptime on your Friends. Beyond that, there’s no need for further upgrades.
Alternatively, you can always search The Curio for a pair of Rocket Boots. A Bronze
Companion Core buffed by
Rocket Boots will function the same as Silver.
Miss Isles
Dooley’s Cores Charge when you use other items. In the case of Companion Core, it’s when you use Friends.
Miss Isles is the perfect supporter thanks to Multicast and a very low Cooldown.
While its Damage is mostly irrelevant, with the new patch Miss Isles now only has a single point of Ammo. Alongside the full build this is generally not an issue, but it can be relevant in the earlier days while assembling the rest of the board. If you happen to acquire some
Gunpowder, the one additional Ammo will almost certainly ensure
Miss Isles never runs out.


Companion CoreDooley

Miss IslesDooley

Rocket BootsCommon

Supportive Items and Skills
Brick Buddy
Brick Buddy offers the survivability needed to hold off the opponent before you demolish their board. Make sure to place it between your two fastest activating Friends whenever possible. In most cases this will be
Miss Isles and the
Companion Core.
Kripp managed to get a Restorative enchant for his Brick Buddy. This is a very useful enchant that ultimately doubles its defensive output (when you've taken Damage), as it matches the scaling of its Shield. Most importantly, it helps protect against Poison.
First Aiden
First Aiden finds his way into most Friends builds simply for its low Cooldown + Haste combination. There aren't many other options to better fill a Small slot, and since Cores take up a Medium slot, space gets limited rather quickly.
Silver tier is generally preferred since the difference between one second and two seconds of Haste is pretty big. That said, further upgrades are unnecessary, making First Aiden a very affordable inclusion.
Bomb Squad
Bomb Squad is one of the fastest Friends thanks to its Charging capabilities. At Diamond tier it Charges four seconds whenever an adjacent Friend is used, meaning it will continuously spam itself, further accelerating the Core.
The important thing is that it's upgraded, because lower tiers will Charge significantly slower. Its Burn is mostly just icing on the cake. However, having a Burn item does unlock the use of skills you'd otherwise not have access to.
Static Acceleration
Static Acceleration is an excellent source of Crit scaling for the build. Haste is extremely accessible with
Companion Core builds, meaning this is more than enough to reliably reach 100% Crit Chance.
However, if you happen to find a Deadly enchant for Miss Isles you'll gain an even more powerful version of this effect. This is a more unique enchant than most, as usually Deadly will just be a flat 50% Crit Chance to the chosen item. Keep an eye out!
Righty Tighty
Righty Tighty is incredible disruption alongisde
Miss Isles. Paired together you can keep the opponent's board Slowed at all times, barring any Radiant items.
In the event you can't find Miss Isles,
Righty Tighty is still excellent alongside the Core.
Liquid Cooled
Freeze skills have been toned down since the last patch. Not only are their Freeze durations lower, but the lower availability of skills means you generally won't have a ton of them at a time.
Liquid Cooled is a Dooley exclusive and one of the strongest Freeze skills in the game. Freeze on Core use is as universal as it gets, and its duration is longer than other options like
Quick Freeze. It's a great pickup if you happen to find it.

Brick BuddyDooley

First AidenDooley

Bomb SquadDooley

Static AccelerationDooley, Stelle, Mak

Righty TightyVanessa, Dooley, Mak

Liquid CooledDooley

Quick FreezeVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle