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The Bazaar Build

Chemsnail Dooley Build

Updated on Dec 20, 2024
Dec 20, 2024


Want to slow down your opponents and watch the poison tick down to their demise? This Dooley engine will accelerate your board while grinding enemies to a halt.

Slow is a strong defensive ability that’s often present in many builds. Interacting with the enemy board is important, and some of the game’s strongest skills rely on the use of Slows.

Chemsnail Dooley gets to double down on what’s already great and turn defense into offense.

This performs best against other builds that need time to scale or apply pressure. However, depending on the skills and enchants you acquire, it still has a solid chance against aggressive builds.

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Miss Isles Variant

Pylon Variant

Core Combos and Synergies

How to Scale the Snail

Chemsnail is the counterpart to the ever popular Monitor Lizard. While this little fella may not be as quick, an emphasis on Slow adds a new angle of attack to Poison builds.

Finding the key items to go with your snail Friend isn’t too challenging, but what must be prioritized is scaling its Poison. Always be on the lookout for Extracts or loot items (which can give Extracts) from vendors, events, and level-up rewards.

Cool LEDs

The next most important piece of the puzzle is also one of the earliest available pickups. Cool LEDs is the fastest and most reliable source of Slow. By setting up your items to the left of your Core, you can trigger this effect multiple times while your opponent is stuck waiting for their items to charge.

A one second Slow isn’t a lot, so make sure to upgrade to at least Silver tier. Alternatively, you can look for Slow scaling items such as Makeshift Barricade at The Curio.


Turning Slow into Haste is what truly puts this build into overdrive. Pylon creates a continuous loop where the enemy board is Slowed while yours is Hastened. The synergy between Pylon and Cool LEDs is crazy. Putting these items together is what enables Chemsnail to approach Pufferfish levels of Poison.

Since Pylon is the only source of Haste, it’s important to prioritize its upgrades. Even with a speedy Slow engine, a one second Haste effect wears off quickly. Do your best to ramp it up to at least two seconds ASAP, either via upgrades or Rocket Boots.

The Core

What’s great about this build is that no specific Core is required. The key text that glues it all together is “When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second”. It's all about having multiple activations to trigger your items as much as possible. All that in mind, the three Cores I would recommend are The Core, Armored Core, or Companion Core.

The Core is the most generic and allows the flexibility of Charging another item. If you happen to pick up something more powerful, you can position it to the far right to accelerate it.

Armored Core is a more defensive alternative that helps keep you alive while your Slow and Poison whittle down their health.

Companion Core doesn't have the same Charge requirement as the others, but is great for building into the Miss Isles variant.

Cool LEDsDooley
The CoreDooley
Armored CoreDooley
Makeshift BarricadeCommon
Rocket BootsCommon

Supportive Items and Skills

Duct Tape

Every Dooley build is happy to acquire Duct Tape in the early game. The Slow is usually just a bonus, as it's already doing double duty in terms of Shield generation. Outside of Armored Core or and Shielded enchants, Duct Tape is the sole defensive item of the build. So long as you're able to find a strong Shield skill or two, it'll be a solid option for the single Small slot.

Gamma Ray

If you’re looking for a faster clock, Gamma Ray is an excellent choice for more Poison. It grows Poison as fast as Cool LEDsspams Slow, allowing Chemsnail to reach ridiculous levels.

Beta Ray

Beta Ray adds more interaction to the build allowing it to apply Freeze on top of the Slows. Perhaps more importantly, it adds even faster Poison scaling alongside the Gamma Ray.

Miss Isles

Miss Isles is one of Dooley's fastest items and an excellent way to keep the machine running. Its Multicast continuously pumps Charges into the Companion Core, which will trigger every "On Core use" ability and create a permanent Haste uptime on itself and your Chemsnail.

Righty Tighty

When your Core is your rightmost item, Righty Tighty is essentially another Cool LEDs but in skill form. This further compounds the Slow on the enemy while adding even more Charges to Chemsnail and Haste procs of Pylon.

Titanium Casing

Titanium Casing is the ideal defensive skill when using a Core. Each attack quickly scales your Duct Tape and gives the build some much needed protection. With this, you can better combat the more aggressive hard hitting builds instead of solely relying on Slows.

Hardened Shield

Less reliable than Titanium Casing, though a powerful addition nonetheless. Its scaling power isn’t as consistent as it relies on the opponent’s build, but free Shield scaling is always welcome.

Duct TapeDooley
Gamma RayDooley
Beta RayDooley
Miss IslesDooley
Righty TightyVanessa, Dooley, Mak
Titanium CasingDooley
Hardened ShieldDooley, Stelle, Pygmalien