
Win rate | 51.3% |
Pick rate | 2.5% |
Ban rate | 0.1% |
Matches | 17 883- |
Sona Support has a 51.3% win rate and 2.5% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find thorough guides with videos on every available Sona combo. Learn, improve, and step up your Sona gameplay with Mobalytics!

For the optimal crowd control combo R then instantly Q AA. Afterwards W AA and instantly E eAA followed by more AAs.
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Surprise and lock down your target by using E to get in range then instantly F R Q eAA as quickly as you can and finish up with W AA.
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At two stacks of your power chord passive AA then instantly Q AA for some quick damage.
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To engage a fight R then instantly Q eAA.
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When looking to setup a pick or gank opportunity E then instantly AA Q followed by an AA.
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To get some solid burst damage off E to get in range then instantly Q AA.
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