
Win rate | 53.5% |
Pick rate | 2.0% |
Ban rate | 3.1% |
Matches | 8 402- |

Use your Q and then Flash instantly to hit your target. AA them and then E and R onto your enemy. Follow this with some AA's a Q, AA and E to finish..

Use your W and then E through your ally or any nearby target. Then instantly R and Flash onto your enemies!

Use your E through your enemies and R them! Then press your W and dash back through to safety with your E.

Use your W whilst your near your ally and then E through them to get closer to your opponents. Use your E and R combo onto your enemies and follow that with your Q and some auto attacks.

Lead with your W and then E and Q onto your target and AA them before using your R. Then AA a few more times, Q, AA and E to finish.

Use your E through a target, then AA and E and Q your intended target and then hit them with your R.

Start the fight with your E Q combo, then AA, W, AA, AA, AA and then finish off with your E Q back out again.

Start with your W, then E and Q your target followed by some auto attacks.