Lulu·Mid Counters

Win rate | 49.9% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 33.3% |
Matches | 1 084- |

Lulu matchups
Lulu counter tips
Overall Average















Laning Against Lulu
When playing melee champions, do not let Lulu bully you down with auto-attacks. When you’re not looking to engage, stand back so she cant auto-attack you.
Waiting for Lulu to use her E before fighting or poking is a good way of coming out ahead. Try to bait this ability out and then play aggressive while it’s on cooldown.
Post 6 and when Lulu gets her Ultimate R, her survivability increases a lot. Keep in mind that it’s going to be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate
R is up. Do not commit to the all-in unless it’s down or she’s out of mana.
Strategy VS Lulu
In team fights, try to catch Lulu out of position or lock her down with CC. If you can take her down first, her ability to protect her carries will be lessened. If you can’t kill her, you might be able to force herself to self-cast her Ultimate R.
For AD champions, invest in an Executioner's Calling when Lulu and her team is ahead. This will reduce her healing and shielding capability on her allies.
Forcing team fights when Lulu’s Ultimate R is on cooldown is the best way to win fights as she will be unable to protect herself or her allies.
Lulu Power Spikes
Lulu’s early game can be incredibly difficult to play against if you’re a melee champion. Opt for sustain and defensive stats in the early game.
Once Lulu has completed her first item, her protection and shielding ability will increase dramatically. At this stage, she will also do a hefty amount of damage when trading.
Team fights are where Lulu shines thanks to her E and Ultimate
R which can be used on her allies. She will be building items that protect herself and her allies too, so she will be a huge threat.