
Win rate | 52.2% |
Pick rate | 17.8% |
Ban rate | 24.0% |
Matches | 70 988- |

To engage W yourself then Flash into melee range and instantly R yourself. Quickly use AA E and use Q.

To save an ally lead with R E together then Q towards your opponents and use W.

W yourself to get into Q range then continue to AA until your Q is within 4 seconds of being off cooldown. Use E on your opponent, continue to AA then Q as soon as it's up.

Q then mid animation Flash and AA E together.

Especially for mid lane Flash then instantly E your target, AA and Q once Pix is close enough to guarantee it lands.

Go more aggressive by using E on your target then instantly Q. AA followed by a W on your opponent and another AA.

Quickly trade with Q then instantly E on your target and AA

To trade E yourself then AA and Q in between your AA timer.