LeBlanc·Mid Guide
Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 5.2% |
Ban rate | 24.2% |
Matches | 27 969- |
Snowball heavy champion. If Leblanc gets a kill or two, she can snowball the lane and get herself further ahead with ease.
Has a gap closer/ escape ability thanks to her W. This makes her a huge threat in lane and makes her somewhat safe from ganks.
Leblanc has good wave clear thanks to her W. This allows her to match or outpush most laners.
This champion is mechanically- very difficult. You’ll need a lot of games to master this champion.
They will run out of mana quickly, so you need to always keep an eye on your mana bar.
If you’re behind, you’re going to deal no damage in team fights and you poke/all-in will not be very good.
0 - 15 min
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage.
Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from burst trades, so try to go for them frequently.
Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Leblanc is a very good roaming champion who can impact the map and assist her allies with ease. Post 6, try to push and roam.
15 - 25 min
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP.
As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It’s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you can’t get anything done.
25+ min
Flank in team fights to get on key targets with your W. Avoid showing yourself when possible in the late game as the element of surprise can provide a huge advantage.
When ahead, look for picks by waiting in high traffic areas for an enemy to walk by. If you’re able to take down the enemy Mid, ADC or Support, you can use their death timer to end the game or take a major objective.
Group with your team in the late game. Do not split push or leave them alone when the enemy is grouped as 5. If your team gets engaged on, they will lose the fight.
LeBlanc's first power spike is at level two. Her Q, W combo should be enough to chunk the enemy laner's health bar.
Her next power spike is at level three when she gets access to her E. Combined with her initial Q, W combo, and Ignite, she can quite literally kill someone at level three.
Getting her Ultimate R is Leblanc's next significant power spike. She can now roam and repeat her W, R, W combo to kill her laner.
Her core items should allow her to blow up any squishy target she sets her eyes upon. She should roam around and see if she can get kills on overextended side laners.
The optimal time to go in during skirmishes will be when the enemy has their targeted CC ability down. This way, they won't be able to CC Leblanc when she uses her W to dash in.
Her level eleven power spike is quite potent as well. She will now deal more damage with her burst combo. Hiding in the fog of war and trying to blow enemies up will be her power play style.
LeBlanc should never be involved in direct team fights unless she is completely pushed into the enemy base. Staying in the fog of war is highly beneficial for her.
Looking for picks on the enemy Jungler, Support, or ADC should be her game plan. Taking one of these targets out will easily allow her team to secure neutral objectives.
If the enemy team is CC laden, Leblanc will have to preserve her power by purchasing a Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil. She is a glass cannon and should always be careful about going in.