Dr. Mundo·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 1.2% |
Matches | 3 777- |

Dr. Mundo matchups
Dr. Mundo counter tips
Overall Average



Lee Sin


Xin Zhao



Master Yi







Laning Against Dr. Mundo
Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early so he can get as much gold as possible. Try to gank as often as possible to get your laners ahead.
Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can take it with ease after his first back. With this in mind, ensure that you take the bot side scuttle crab or keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot and kill him while he’s doing it.
At level 6, Dr Mundo will start to look to gank as his Ultimate R offers him a lot of duelling power. You can delay this by invading him and stealing away his camps.
Strategy VS Dr. Mundo
Dr Mundo has lots of sustain thanks to his Passive and the items he picks up. Make sure to invest in Executioner’s Calling or another item that inflects grievous wounds to reduce his healing.
In team fights, Ignite will help reduce his healing, so make sure you Ignite him as soon as he engages.
Crowd control is your best friend against Dr Mundo. If you can layer CC on him in a team fight, it will make it very hard for him to activate his Ultimate R and dish out damage. It will also reduce the healing from his Ultimate
R if he activates it if you focus him down and kill him first.
Dr. Mundo Power Spikes
Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early to unlock his Ultimate . When he has his Ultimate R, he will look to gank as often as possible as it provides him with a lot of trading power.
Once Dr Mundo has completed his first item, his trading power intensifies and he can 1v1 most Junglers if he is healthy. Don’t fight him if he is healthy post level 6. Only fight him if he is low.
Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can solo it easily. Make sure you have it warded at all times so he doesn’t get the early objective.