Brand·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 47.3% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 2.3% |
Matches | 8 440- |
Brands Ultimate R is very good in team fights as it can bounce between enemies. If the enemy is grouped in the jungle, his damage output will be very high.
Brand has good ganks in the early game. As long as he gets close to the enemy before using his Q, ganks should always work in his favour.
He has a healthy clear in the current meta. As long as you kite camps, you should remain relatively healthy on your first few clears.
Brand is quite immobile. He may get invaded frequently by strong early game champions like Lee Sin, Elise or Pantheon.
In addition to being pretty immobile, Brand is also quite squishy. In team fights he is prone to all-in and will die quickly if he is caught out of position.
His clears rely on him having a lot of mana. His auto attacks, while useful, will deal minimum damage to camps. Having blue buffs are very important.
0 - 15 min
His first clear may be a bit hard to complete effectively, so he should ask his teammates to give him a decent leash. If that is not possible, he should kite the camp around well enough to ensure that he takes small amounts of damage.
On unlocking all his basic abilities, Brand should start ganking over-extended lanes whenever a chance presents itself. He will want to get a lead early on to dish out a lot of damage in late-game fights.
Once Brand gets his Ultimate R, he should take part in more fights, primarily neutral objective fights. He should try to take fights around choke points and use his Ultimate R on clumped enemies.
15 - 25 min
His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage. All Brand needs to do is hit his abilities on enemies during a fight.
Brand should melt through neutral objectives and enemy champions alike. Hence taking fights around neutral objectives will be a thing Brand should follow. His ability to cause mayhem with his Ultimate R will really help him.
Brand should be taking care of his positioning during this phase of the game. He will be a prime target to be CC'd and picked off by the enemy team, so he should work with his Support or tankier teammates to set vision around the map.
25+ min
He will be dishing out humongous amounts of damage during this phase of the game. Right now, he should be focusing on staying alive and not getting CC'd and picked off by the enemy team.
Fighting around chokepoints is absolutely necessary as Brand will be pretty effective with his Ultimate R. The ability will have quite a short cooldown, making it easy for him to win team fights frequently.
He should be working with his team and setting up death brushes around the map. His ability to completely blow up squishy targets will make team fights highly unfair for the enemy team.
Once Brand hits level 3, he can technically start ganking his allies. But, he needs to make sure he can land his Q otherwise, practically every gank will fail.
At level 6, Brand will unlock his Ultimate R. At this stage of the game, even if he cannot land his Q when ganking, he can still deal a ton of damage thanks to his Ultimate R alone.
After Brand has completed his Mythic item, he will become a real threat. Ganks will be much easier and he will be able to dish out a lot of damage in a short period of time.
At level 11, Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate R. His damage output and kill pressure will heavily intensify. As long as he is playing around his Ultimate R, he should be a real threat during the mid-game when it comes to getting ganks off.
During the mid game, Brand should’ve completed a couple items. In order to make the most of his kit, he should try to poke the enemy down before committing to a team fight in order to increase his chances of winning the fight.
Overall, Brand’s level 9 power spike is very good for him as he would’ve maxed his W which allows him to clear his jungle more effectively and also dish out more damage. He should also find it somewhat easier to secure objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald.
In the late game, Brand will be near full build. This is a significant power spike for Brand as his damage output should be incredibly high. However, he needs to make sure he doesn’t get caught out in the late game or else he will not dish out any damage.
At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. He will be able to dish out a lot of damage on grouped enemies in late game team fights.
Take note that while you will have a lot of damage, the enemy team should have started building defensive items to counter your abilities. Try to blow up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats.