Brand·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 45.3% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 1.4% |
Matches | 3 163- |

Brand matchups
Brand counter tips
Overall Average











Xin Zhao




Laning Against Brand
Stealing away Brand’s blue buff will make it really hard for him to clear his camps easily. Try to take it as often as you can.
Brand has a weak clear if the enemy hasn’t been kiting camps effectively. You can use this to your advantage by trying to invade him in the early game if you’re strong.
Be on the lookout for surprise Brand damage when roaming around the map. Thanks to his E
W combo, he can lock you down and blow you up if he attacks from an unwarded bush. Do not get caught out by the amount of surprise burst damage he can deal.
Strategy VS Brand
Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. This will make his Ultimate R a lot less potent. With that said, when grouping try not to group too close together so he cannot bounce his Ultimate
R between multiple champions either.
Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking you down. To prevent him from destroying your health bar, you need to fight him as soon as you see him.
Do not try to take objectives like the Dragon or Baron when Brand is alive as he can use his Ultimate R to deal lots of burst damage. He will either force you off the objective with his
W and
R or kill you and take the objective for himself.
Brand Power Spikes
The longer the game goes, the stronger Brand gets thanks to the items he’ll get. Try to set him behind in the early game to reduce his gold income and prevent a snowball.
Once Brand hits level 6, his damage output and ability to kill you will be much higher thanks to his Ultimate R. If you are low, make sure you recall as he can easily burst you down and kill you.
Brand is not very strong in the early game. You could use this to your advantage by ganking as much as you can to get your allies ahead.