
Win rate | 48.9% |
Pick rate | 1.5% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 15 004- |

When outside normal range Q and Flash mid animation, then E before it lands followed by a W.

To get off a stun your target won't see coming use R Q instantly one after another then E before the Q lands. Use W while your target is stunned.

While being engaged on E then instantly R. Flash during the animation and instantly Q W right after.

For your basic post 6 combo E Q instantly then W R instantly and step forward so your R bounces to you then AA

For a mid range stun combo W then Q E. Instantly use R right after and AA.

To surprise stun a target Q and quickly E before the Q hits. Then W R as quickly as you can and AA.

To deal a bunch of AoE damage E W then instantly R Q and AA.

When being engaged on, E and instantly Flash to create some distance between you and your target. Q then W.

To perform your bread and butter combo instantly E Q your target then W after or as the stun lands.

To do some short range damage W your target and instantly E Q.