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Diablo 4 Druid BuildCompanion Shred Werewolf Leveling Build

Season 5
Build Summary

This build combines werewolf skills with the now buffed companion skills, to give us powerful and fast leveling speed, which great bossing ability.

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Spirit Boons

This is a Shred and Companion Werewolf Build, that has super fast speed and huge damage to let you level super fast.

Why play this build: Once you get the aspects, this build is unstoppable while leveling. Rabies plus Poison Creeper give massive AoE damage, while Shred and Wolves give us huge single target damage for bosses. Transitions in one of the most powerful endgame companion builds.

Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Vigorous AspectHelm
Chest ArmorEmpty
Moonrage AspectGloves
Spirit Bond AspectPants
Aspect of the Rushing WildsBoots
Aspect of the AlphaAmulet
Aspect of the Blurred BeastRing 1
Aspect of the StampedeRing 2
Shepherd's AspectWeapon
Aspect of the WildrageOffhand

Possible Upgrades:

Waxing Gibbous unique weapon, this is a huge upgrade, it gives us more mobility and massive damage increases to shred. so replace Shepard's aspect with this.

Mad Wolves Glee unique chest, this is a great upgrade to all our werewolf abilities. So you can replace your chest piece with this.

Storm's Companion Unique Legs are a massive increase to wolf damage that should be used if you find it.

DiamondRing 1
DiamondRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Werewolf gives very fast movement speed
  • Multiple Companions for VERY Fast Clear Speed
  • Easy To Play


  • Less Defensive than bear builds
  • Slow in early levels

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Start the fight by jumping to the enemies with Shred and then use this as your main damage dealing ability
  2. Use *Poison Creeper to deal massive AoE damage
  3. Use Rabies to poison enemies, this spreads so don't worry where you use it.
  4. Use Wolves active ability to deal huge damage to elites and bosses

When out of spirit use Claw to regain resource Use Debilitating Roar on cooldown to trigger damage bonus from Beastial Rampage

How It Works

This is a companion and werewolf speed leveling build, giving us huge poison and burst damage.

Tips While Leveling: Try to target farm your aspects from dungeons where possible and from chests. Keep your aspects imprinted on your gear whenever you upgrade or go to new tiers. Make sure to keep using werewolf and werebear skills on cooldown to trigger the 2 bonuses from Bestial Rampage Make use of your mobility and companions to target and sweep though enemies fast.

Video Guide
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