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Diablo 4 Spiritborn Builda2

Season 7
Updated on Mar 21, 2025
Build Summary

⚡ Wanna have fun & Ignore the broken meta builds? ⚡ Super Braindead build for daddies / casuals ⚡ Really Zoom Zoom Evade Eagle Spiritborn is still one of the fastest build, if you're enjoying the Season mechanics, Hordes, or any casual T4 content, you'll definitely enjoying this!

Feel free to comment on my vid if you have any questions! cheers

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Harlequin CrestHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Fists of FateGloves
Aspect of DisobediencePants
Aspect of ApprehensionBoots
Conceited AspectAmulet
Aspect of Unyielding HitsRing 1
Fell Soothsayer's AspectRing 2
Aspect of Redirected ForceWeapon

⚡ 70% CDR minimum for perma evade (Without Sepanzontec) ⚡ Unyielding Hits aspect > 3.3k armor (if slot in amulet), 5k armor (on ring) ⚡ Dex & Crit chance is main priority ⚡ Storm feather potency as main tempering

Active Runes
CemRune of Ritual
TzicRune of Invocation
BacRune of Ritual
QueRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
Lost Power
Soul Harvest
Growth & Decay Power
Hex of Whispers
Growth & Decay Power
Aura of Siphoning
Growth & Decay Power
Hex of Flames
Eldritch Power
Aura Specialization
Lost Power
Friend of the BogAmulet
Dust StoneRing 1
Voice of the StarsRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • 1 Evade K.O All T4 bosses / content
  • Braindead zoom zoom (Auto homing projectiles)
  • Near Unkillable!
  • Speedfarm Pit 85 ezpz
  • Pit 100 Viable! *maybe can push further*


  • Not a high pit pusher build
  • Requires good gear to feel strong

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Playstyle :

  1. Pop armored hide
  2. Use The Seeker for perma armor hide sustain
  3. Evade-to-Win
How It Works
  1. This build scales with Storm Feathers from Eagle spirit hall.
  2. Evade to trigger 8 storm feathers, dealing insane DPS + vulnerable
  3. Set up (Mouse scroll) to evade "Faster"
  4. Perma Evade is possible without Sepanzontec , just need enough CD
  5. Basically unkillable

In-Depth Explanation

Video Guide
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