Diablo 4 Necromancer BuildS7 Necro Minions Leveling & Endgame - Nicktew
Check out the video guide for more detailed information and alternative ways to setup the build. In my opinion, this variation is the best to get you up to Torment as fast as humanly possible.

Minion Necromancer paired with Blood Surge has been one of the strongest leveling builds in all of Diablo 4 for nearly a year now, and with each season it only gets stronger. For Season 7, it's as strong as it's ever been. Your minions do insane damage, with Blood Surge being a nice addition to help you do some on demand damage when needed. This build will also transition well into the endgame, where you can swap to a full minion setup and easily decimate the whole game.
You can ditch Reap, Blood Surge, or Corpse Tendrils in favor of Golem if you prefer

Power priority of aspects: Frenzied Dead > Reanimation > Occult Dominion > Grasping Veins > Blood Getter's > Juggernaut's Aspect > Aspect of Hardened Bones > Great Feast
Make sure to temper offensive items ASAP - what you can temper depends on which manuals you gain access to. Best ones are: Crit Damage Damage to Cursed Enemies > Skeletal Mages Damage > Damage while Fortified > Damage > Damage to Close
I know absolutely nothing about the witch powers atm, i'll update them once I play the game

Minions Carry
Easy To Play
Lots of conditional damage buffs/debuffs
Build Notes
Leveling gameplay loop: 1) Always make sure you have all your warriors/mages out 2) Reap to spawn a corpse + DR + Attack Speed 3) Corpse Tendrils Pixel Pull + Damage buff 4) Iron Maiden when low on essence 5) Soulrift on CD 6) Buff your minions w/ summon skeleton button
Endgame gameplay loop: 1) Always make sure you have all your warriors/mages out 2) Apply Decrepify 3) Reap to spawn a corpse + DR + Attack Speed 4) Corpse Tendrils Pixel Pull + Damage buff 5) Soulrift on CD 6) Buff your minions w/ summon skeleton button
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