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Diablo 4 Spiritborn BuildOrange Quill

Season 7
Build Summary

This Quill Volley build takes advantage of the Rod of Kepeleke’s ability to inflict damage based on your Maximum Resources. We incorporate the Ring of the Midnight Sun to offset the incredible Vigor demand that Rod of Kepeleke creates. You will find this build to be excellent in all categories: mobility, damage, and tankiness.

Uber Version
Starter Version
Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Primary Spirit
Secondary Spirit
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Harlequin CrestHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Aspect of Unyielding HitsGloves
Aspect of DisobediencePants
Duelist's AspectBoots
Banished Lord's TalismanAmulet
Aspect of Redirected ForceRing 1
Ring of the Midnight SunRing 2
Rod of KepelekeWeapon


  • Paragon Level 240+
  • 275+ Vigor
  • 1540 Dexterity, remember Chorus of War gives 40 All Stats.
  • 164% Attack Speed
  • 3333 Armor
Active Runes
PocRune of Ritual
QueRune of Invocation
XolRune of Ritual
XalRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
Vengeful Spirit
Psyche Power
Friend of the BogAmulet
Phantom StringRing 1
Dust StoneRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Incredible Overall Damage
  • Great Mobility
  • Very Tanky


  • None

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Keep Ravager and Armored Hide active at all times.
  2. Cast Soar to engage and for mobility. If you use Vortex instead, you can cast it now or after Scourge.
  3. Dash to your enemies with The Hunter and keep casting it to build up Supremacy stacks.
  4. Cast Scourge for damage and healing.
  5. Spam Quill Volley to massacre everything and restore all your cooldowns.
How It Works

This build is made great by consuming all your resources with the Rod of Kepeleke, ensuring a critical hit with a massive multiplier. Simultaneously, the Ring of the Midnight Sun will restore all your resources, which allows all hits to critical hit for tremendous amounts of damage. Thanks to the Keystone Prodigy’s Tempo, the build maintains excellent uptime on all its skills, allowing for constant casts of The Hunter and permanent uptime of Armored Hide, which grants us full stacks of Resolve on top of 100% Block Chance and Unstoppable for the duration of the skill. We make further use of the Block Chance by including the massive Redirecting Force multiplier.

The ultimate Orange Quill version of the build can be unlocked once you reach 275 Maximum Vigor or more, before that you will have to play the Armor Starter version. Orange Quill gets its name from using Banished Lord Talisman making every single hit a Critical Strike that Overpowers.

If you have any questions or are confused just Read the FAQ, it will most likely be answered there, otherwise, check the video that covers most topics in depth.

In-Depth Explanation

Video Guide
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