Diablo 4 Rogue BuildShadowSteppin

Build Notes
This works best on a PC. The reason is you can use your basic skill to move around vs console it will cause you to swing your weapon while standing in place making it less fluid.
Start off by just holding down your blade shift while spamming shadow step. The trick is to squeeze in one or two auto attacks between shadow step to apply cold and possibly freeze your enemy for big multiplier damage. It also acts as an attack to re-stealth you after you shadow step for that big shadow step damage from stealth. If you look at the video I stealth quite often. At least 5 or 6 times per fight.
This works best with the PC because you can bind your shadow step and shadow imbue to your mouse wheel as these skills will reset almost instantly. With blade shift held down for movement/auto attack you can spam shadow step and shadow imbue to your hearts content.
With the runes in place shadow clone will be on a fairly short cooldown as well. At most your looking at 15 - 20 sec downtime. So spam it away. It cause for big damage gains.
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