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Diablo 4 Necromancer BuildMekuna's Bloodwave Pit 150

Season 7
Updated on Feb 5, 2025
3.2 KFavorites
Build Summary

This is currently the one of the strongest build in the game if not the strongest. It focuses on the Necromancer's ultimate skill, Blood Wave, to deliver massive AoE damage and excellent crowd control. By equipping the Aspect of Ultimate Shadow, Blood Wave gains the Shadow tag, allowing it to synergize with both Blood and Shadow passives. This dual synergy boosts its overall damage output, making it a strong option for clearing groups of enemies while maintaining solid versatility for various encounters.

To start playing this build you will need :

  • Kessime's Legacy (Pants): Dropped by Lord Zir
  • Tidal Aspect: Obtained as a random drop
  • Fastblood Aspect: Found in the Iron Hold Dungeon

If you have the choice, craft Shroud of False Death before Heir Of Perdition.

Endgame Pit Pushing
Tryhard Pit150 Setup
Speedfarming Endgame
Starter Build T1-T4
Variant Summary

This build is for Pit Pushing only. For other content, use the Speedfarming Endgame version.

Armor & Resistance cap with the seasonal gems.

4 days in Pit 150 clear :

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Book of the Dead
Skeletal Warriors
Skeletal Mages
Skeletal Golems
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Heir of PerditionHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Aspect of Ultimate ShadowGloves
Kessime's LegacyPants
Exploiter's AspectBoots
Sacrificial AspectAmulet
Aspect of the DamnedRing 1
Vehement Brawler's AspectRing 2
Tidal AspectWeapon

Masterworking (MW) enhances an item's stats. Each MW rank boosts all affixes by 5%, but Ranks 4, 8, and 12 give a 25% bonus to one random affix. 1 MW: Rank 4 (blue), one affix gets a 25% bonus. 2 MW: Rank 8 (yellow), two affixes get a 25% bonus. 3 MW: Rank 12 (orange), three affixes get a 25% bonus. Use the Masterworking menu at Blacksmiths with materials from The Pit. MW ranks can be reset if needed. In this very end game version you want to hit 3MW on everything to optimise as much as you can.

Active Runes
IgniRune of Ritual
QaxRune of Invocation
ZanRune of Ritual
WatRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
The Cycle
Growth & Decay Power
Wicked PactAmulet
Friend of the BogRing 1
Voice of the StarsRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Probably strongest build of this season
  • Very Tanky


  • Can Be Slower Than Other Build
  • Skill Rotation Can Be Tricky

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Gameplay Loop (Starter Build)

  • Cast Bloodwave to deal damage
  • Pick up the blood orb left by Bloodwave in order to reduce the cooldown of it with your ultimate passive "Rathma's Vigor"
  • Make sure to have 15 stacks to be able to overpower and deal massive damage
  • Use Corpse Tendrils to pull more enemies if necessary
  • Repeat

This is the simplified skill rotation for the starter build. A more advanced rotation for pit pushing will be updated soon!

Gameplay Loop (Endgame Pit Pushing)

  • Cast Bloodwave.
  • Start casting Corpse Explosion to stack Flesh Eater.
  • Pick up the blood orbs on the ground and maintain 15 stacks.
  • Ensure Qax rune is active before casting Bloodwave again, if possible.
  • Cast Blight for additional damage if needed.
  • Repeat
How It Works

01/02 :

  • We replace Breath the Coven with Force of Will
  • We replace Bloodmist with Reap to have more damage from the passive Repear's Pursuit


  • Added Tryhard Pit150 Setup

Build Link :

Credit to LordxSaura for optimising this build !

Video Guide
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