Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildRox’s Chain Lightning - Electroxity
Welcome to my ⚡ Chain Lightning planner!
This build focuses around Chain Lightning's high Lucky Hit Chance and Elemental Surge procs. Currently, I find this to be the best version of Chain Lightning as I've tested numerous variants. It is easy to play and requires ZERO snapshotting. Boss damage is one of the fastest single target damage Sorc has. I have two variants:
- Standard/Pit Push - Assumes you have Starless & Heir of Perdition (For pushing harder content: T100+)
- Speedfarm - Uses Harlequin Crest to greatly help with Teleport cooldown for dungeon traversal (<T90 & ALL Torment 4 Content)

High Burst
SITH Lightning
Speed Farm
Mana Hungry
Prefers Mobs Grouped Tightly
Build Notes
- Hold Chain Lightning
- Press Ice Blades, Ice Armor, Unstable Currents, Frost Nova off cooldown
- Press Flame Shield as needed and to get Tal'rashas stack
- Pick up Crackling Energy if needed for mana
- Keep enemies grouped for Axial AoE explosion
Don't forget to Flameshield at the start for the Pyromancy Talrasha's proc!
Can use Gar rune if your crit chance is not 100%.
Elixir Advantage II (Attack Speed/Lucky Hit Chance) Incense Soothing Spices, Sage's Whisper, Reddamine Buzz or Song of the Mountain (if not armor capped)
With high Lucky Hit Chance from Chain Lightning and Fists of Fate, you should have very little mana issues while holding down Chain Lightning in higher Pit tiers. This will help proc our Lucky Hit to Restore mana on the Focus. The Standard variant can run out of mana easily in normal day-to-day content. For this reason, I have also included a Speedfarm variant.
I use the Speedfarm variant for doing all T4 content as enemies die too quickly to proc our mana restoration. Because of this, I have removed Axial's from the Speedfarm variant. TL;DR Keep Axials on if speedfarming Pit tiers, remove for world T4 content.
If you are still running into mana issues, you can always pop a Resource Elixir too.
Once Paragon board is complete, put the remaining points into Intelligence around the board.
In-Depth Explanation
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