Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildRox Omnium 2.0
I bring to you a monstrosity of a Frankenstein build that is able to clear and push the highest tiers for Sorc.
Similar to Flameweaver Firebolt, but no need to weave in Fireballs to proc big shatter pops. Firewall is also optional, but will provide extra burn.

Dying too much? Pop on a pair of Temerity pants and target damage reduction while healthy masterworking. This will help keep your barrier up and give more tankiness.

High Burst
Fast Trash Clear
Visually Appealing
Hard to Play
Positional Reliant
Build Notes
- Teleport in and group trash via Raiment
- Press Ice Armor
- Press Flameshield + Hydra once to proc double Firebolts on Vox
- Firewall for extra burn (optional)
- Spam Fireball
- Enjoy the boom!
- Damage reduction mob present: focus down the damage reduction first. Damage reductions will cause you to do at least 2 cycles of the above steps.
- Each time you use a non-fire ability (teleport, evade teleport or ice armor) you will need to cast a Hydra and/or Flameshield to get double Firebolt casts from Vox.
Elixir: Max Life or Attack Speed Incense: Chorus of War, Spiral Morning, Sage's Whisper
For Pit pushing, we must fish for bosses with adds to shatter them on the boss. Scourge, Spiritcaller, Sea Hag, Slither and Malice are all viable boss options for this build.
The more burn you are able to put in to the adds, the bigger the shatter pops!
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