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Diablo 4 Spiritborn BuildMystic Mantle Quill Volley Buzzsaw Pit 120+ THE #1 Quill Volley Build

Season 7
Updated on Mar 16, 2025
Build Summary

120+ Quill volley pit push / ALL WT4 Content build. This build was put together at level Paragon 267. With optimal gear, and correct MW's you should be able to clear a 125 pit. 120 and below will be a breeze. Pit 100, you will walk through. 2-4 minute clear.

HUGE THANKS TO u/HYPURRDBLNKL (reddit) for working the everliving shit out of this build with me. i'm u/xbigeatsx on reddit. If you need anything.

CHANGE LOG 2/21 - FULMINATE AND RITUAL GLYPH SWITCH - UPDATED 2/23 - POC/OHM and TAM/QUE - NOT UPDATED, YOUR CHOOSING 2/27 - POC/XAN rune change. (Big damage) 2/27 - moonlight ward gem removed Phantom string in 3/1 - fixed subo’s skills 2/27 and 3/2 - words 3/9 - Added pit 126 clear 3/16 - Added pit 128 Duo clear with Both of our gear listed.

Variant Summary

Mystic Circle Quill Volley. #1 quill volley Build for s7

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Primary Spirit
Secondary Spirit


Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Loyalty's MantleHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Rebounding AspectGloves
Aspect of ApprehensionPants
Duelist's AspectBoots
Aspect of Plains PowerAmulet
Ring of Starless SkiesRing 1
Aspect of the MoonriseRing 2
Rod of KepelekeWeapon

Ideally you want mystic circle to be at 11% or higher when on the amulet. With JAG/JAG a 11% mystic circle will give you a 165x damage multiplier. Also you want your maximum resource to be at 250 or higher(with potion) for the witch power to hit.

Another requirement is GA chance to restore on the gloves. Thats MANDATORY. a HIGH roll of resource or GA on the Kepeleke is also needed to get over the resource needed.

I KNOW I KNOW loyaltys mantle. ... yeah. try something else and tell me if its better. Its not.

This is a SOLID 120 clear build. higher than that is up to your gear and MW's. I cleared a 126 with this build.

When doing paragon, Go UP/UP from starter board FIRST. then you can roll Right Right. Node requirements are lower that way.

Active Runes
PocRune of Ritual
XanRune of Invocation
TamRune of Ritual
QueRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
The Cycle
Growth & Decay Power
Aura Specialization
Lost Power
Hex of Whispers
Growth & Decay Power
Abyssal Resonance
Eldritch Power
Aura of Lament
Psyche Power
Soul Harvest
Growth & Decay Power
Phantom StringAmulet
Dust StoneRing 1
Friend of the BogRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Buzzsaw. Kill Damage resistant AURA dudes FIRST no matter what.
  • The Strongest Quill volley Build in S7 when up and running
  • Not a bugged build like Lifelink.


  • locking on damage resistant idiots.
  • not necro
  • gear dependant..... very
  • If you are not doing enough damage, you will feel lag in the higher level pits.

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Gameplay loop

Hold all your buttons. Dont click or hit when skill is available. Just hold them down all the time.

Stagnant in town attack speed should be around 75%. We tested higher, (around 95% and 100%) and strangely it does not work. In combat attack speed should hit 175%

If you have issues with DR and Dying, keep moonlight ward in for your gems for resistances and more DR. On paragon you can go to Damage reduction with a barrier. That will also help. I am currently using Bristle on viscous shield board.

Link to the co-creator (u/HYPURRDBLNKL) 125 solo pit clear

Link to my 126 clear

Link to 128 Duo Clear

Video Guide
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