
Diablo 4 Spiritborn BuildQuadraTec - Thunderspike

Season 5
Item Reliant
End Game
Build Summary

This basic attack build is based on the Sepazontec unique weapon, This unique allows your basic skills to always attack with it's 3rd and most powerful animation.

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
DiamondRing 1
SkullRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Great Damage
  • Great Mobility
  • Immortal


  • Needs Unique

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Apply Vulnerable with Soar.
  2. Use each of your Basic skills, once every 10 seconds to activate Aspect of Combined Strikes.
  3. Spam Thunderspike.
How It Works

The Sepazontec is a mandatory Unique for this build, it changes how your basic attack function and provides over a twelve times damage multiplier for your Basic Skills.

The Unique Soar Evade Boots provide both mobility and Vulnerable for the build, but are not necessary for the build to function.

Aspect of Combined Strikes is a powerful multiplier, but be careful and make sure that you upkeep all 4 stacks of the buff. Rotate your basic skills!

In-Depth Explanation

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