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Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildRox's Inferno: Year of the Snake

Season 7
End Game
Updated on Mar 8, 2025
Build Summary

2025 is year of the snake 🐍 and Inferno 🔥 is here for it! This endgame build requires a lot of evade spam to reset the Inferno cooldown. I have two versions of this build:

  • Combustion: Uses Combustion Key Passive. No minions needed for clearing the Pit, any boss is okay
  • Shatter: Uses Shatter Key Passive. Minions on bosses are NECESSARY for clearing the Pit
Shatter (Pit Push)
Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Harlequin CrestHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Vehement Brawler's AspectGloves
Aspect of Concussive StrikesPants
Aspect of Apogeic FurorAmulet
Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopRing 1
Aspect of Engulfing FlamesRing 2
Aspect of ConflagrationWeapon
Active Runes
ZanRune of Ritual
OhmRune of Invocation
CirRune of Ritual
VexRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
Vengeful Spirit
Psyche Power
Aura of Siphoning
Growth & Decay Power
Hex of Whispers
Growth & Decay Power
Breath of the Coven
Lost Power
Soul Harvest
Growth & Decay Power
Purging Touch
Eldritch Power
Voice of the StarsAmulet
Vulture TalonRing 1
Friend of the BogRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • High Burst
  • High Mobility
  • Speedfarm


  • Fishing: NEEDS boss with minions [Shatter Variant ONLY]

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Combustion Variant:

  • Put down Firewall for extra burning damage
  • Press Frost Nova
  • Hold Firebolt and spam Inferno
  • Spam Evade through enemies to active Flickerstep and reset Inferno cooldown
  • Ice Armor off cooldown
  • Flameshield as needed

Shatter Variant:

  • Put down Firewall for extra burning damage
  • Press Frost Nova
  • Spam Inferno to applying burning and group enemies together
  • When enemies are frozen pump Fireball into them
  • Evade through enemies to active Flickerstep and reset Inferno cooldown
  • Ice Armor off cooldown
  • Flameshield as needed
How It Works

This build uses the ultimate, Inferno, to apply a massive amount of burn to targets. The burn is then amplified by Firebolt Enchant and Firewall. Inferno also pulls targets in, stacks them together and makes them vulnerable.

Frost Nova also makes targets vulnerable and freezes, but we are mainly using this ability to make them take an additional 15% damage. Enemies will become frozen from either the Lucky Hit Chance to Freeze on our gear via ability spam or Frost Nova.

We then use Greater Fireball against frozen targets to convert this burning damage into direct damage,. This is necessary in order to load damage into Shatter, our key passive. Once enemies unfreeze, Shatter will then do an area of effect explosion, damaging not only themselves, but nearby enemies as well.

It is imperative that we reset our Inferno cooldown as quickly as possible so we can apply a high amount of burn. We do this by spamming evade teleport through enemies. Flickerstep boots will then reduce our cooldown on Inferno.

This damage ramps to extremely high levels, but requires targets that can be frozen. This means that bosses CANNOT be shattered themselves, leading us to require adds/mobs/minions on the bosses in order to kill them. The only time bosses will take damage is when we freeze minions on top of them, load the minions up with burning and use them to shatter onto the boss.

For this reason, the Shatter variant will require you to reset the dungeon instance if one of the following bosses is not at the end of the dungeon:

  • Sea Hag
  • Seething Hivemaster
  • Resurrected Malice
  • Scourge of the Land
  • Spiritcaller of Frost
  • Slither

Remember, not all bosses have the same health pool! So the higher you progress in the Pit, the shorter this list gets as you will simply not have enough time to kill some of these bosses. Spiritcaller, Malice and Scourge have the lowest health pools.

In-Depth Explanation

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