Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildToxic Maschine Gun Sorcerer - Perfected Chain Lightning Build!
This build focuses around the Axial Conduit unique in combination with Andariels and the Star Light aspect to fuel it with mana. Its extremely fast and deals ncredible dmg but is squishy and prone to oneshots because it requires you to keep you healthpool small.

For the Gems use 2 Topaz, 3 Rub to get to around 17k Life. T8 requires around 20k before you are mostly save from oneshots.
If you do not have a GA Conduit, you will need to masterwork the Chance to double cast CL 1x to cap it with the staff.

Great AOE
Very good single target dmg
Very fun to play
Low Visual clutter
Low health (15-20k)
Requires Andariel to be playable
Build Notes
Gameplay strategy during leveling
- Cast Chain Lightning.
- Cast Ice Barrier but keep yourself away from enemies! It only resetts its cooldown while active! (50 mana spend for 1 sec)
- Cast Ice Blades & Lightning Spear for vulnerable application and a dmg multiplier.
- Cast Teleport or Evade Teleport to move around and apply a % DR buff.
- Move around to gather Crackling Energy for a multiplier
- Cast Unstable Current on cooldown.
What Weapon should I use?
A 2h weapon with %lucky hit to restore primary resource. BUT not as a greater affix. Its not needed.
We are going to fire a ton of projectiles with a ludicrous amount of lucky hit to proc a ton of Andariels Poison Novas . Incredible speed, devastating dmg, amazing AOE and electrocutingly nice visuals come together into an amazing chain lightning build. Sorcerer builds however usually have a drawback, visual cluter. This time, not so much. Its still a lot but you can actually see the ground and dodge mechanics.
Which is amazing given we are rocking very little hp with a ton of DR and barrier . We just need to dodge. But why so little health? Because we are going to combine Andariels Visage with the starlight aspect to generate infinite mana. Chain lightning requires of you to become a nuclear mana plant, generating upwards of 300 mana per second. Yeah, thats a lot. Like A LOT. We won´t be able to do this without other additions like a lucky hit chance to generate more mana and some more mana regen, and on top of that a starless skies for 50% resource cost reduction. The cost reduction can also be achieved through your weapon and ring, so its not mandatory but andariels is a bit harder to get rid of. Still its possible to go non mythic.
We are also only going to rock very little cdr, because of the orange aspect and our insane lucky hit chance of over 100%. This will allow us to lower the cooldown of unstable currents from 50+ seconds to around 10. Yes, we have so much lucky hit chance that we are procing everything instantly. Mana, andariels, freezes to benefit from multipliers, CC and mana generation. We practically take out the rng like its trash.
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