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Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildMekuna's Orange Lightning Spear Pit150 - Shockuna

Season 7
End Game
Easy to Play
Speed Farm
Updated on Mar 1, 2025
9.6 KFavorites
Build Summary

Lightning Spear - Mekuna's Shockuna is probably the best build of the season for the Sorcerer. This build is highly versatile and works incredibly well across all types of content (Helltides, Speedfarming, Hordes, etc.). To be able to play this build you will need 11 rank in "Grow" (Witchcraft Powers)

  • If you don't have the Uber Uniques yet, I recommend using the starter version of the build: Found Here
  • If you're aiming for maximum Pit pushing, go with the Heir of Perdition (Pit & Bosses) variant.

This build relies on the new aspect Splintering Energy: Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause Lightning to arc from it, dealing damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.

Orange Shockuna
Orange Pit Pushing
Shockuna Pit Pushing
Variant Summary
  • This is the fastest and best build overall for this season. It's very good in any content but the pit. You have the Pit Pushing version if you want to push the Pit (150) with this build.
  • In this version, we use Temerity pants instead of Tibault’s Will, allowing you to drink a potion even when at full life. We replace Nagu and Ohm with Yax and Xan. Before starting an activity, drink 4 potions to activate the Xan rune. Then, cast Lightning Spear first to trigger an Overpower. From that point on, all your Lightning Spears will Overpower, and you’ll see orange numbers everywhere! :)
  • You can also drop the legendary boots for Flickerstep if you don't have enough cooldown reduction.
Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board
Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Harlequin CrestHelm
Shroud of False DeathChest Armor
Storm Swell AspectGloves
Aspect of the Orange HeraldBoots
Aspect of Shredding BladesAmulet
Ring of Starless SkiesRing 1
Tal Rasha's Iridescent LoopRing 2
Aspect of Splintering EnergyWeapon

Masterworking (MW) enhances an item's stats. Each MW rank boosts all affixes by 5%, but Ranks 4, 8, and 12 give a 25% bonus to one random affix.

  • 1 MW: Rank 4 (blue); one affix gets a 25% bonus.
  • 2 MW: Rank 8 (yellow); two affixes get a 25% bonus.
  • 3 MW: Rank 12 (orange); three affixes get a 25% bonus.

Use the Masterworking menu at Blacksmiths with materials from The Pit. MW ranks can be reset if needed. You don't have to triple Masterwork everything, but it's optimal if you can. Aim for at least 2 of the suggested MWs. Other stats are usually fine.

Active Runes
YaxRune of Ritual
XanRune of Invocation
CirRune of Ritual
VexRune of Invocation
Witchcraft Powers
Lost Power
Toadling's WishAmulet
Friend of the BogRing 1
Phantom StringRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Probably strongest build of the Sorc this season
  • Easy To Play
  • Incredibly Mobile
  • High Damage


  • Can Lack Single Target Damage

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Activate Unstable Currents.
  2. Spam Ball Lightning, Lightning Spear, and Ice Blades. We're essentially using our Ball Lightning to keep as many Lighting Spears active as possible through Unstable Currents.
  3. Keep your Ice Armour up as much as possible, as it's a solid defence against unavoidable damage.
  4. Flame Shield should be used at least once you activate the bonuses we gain through using a Fire Skill; once active, the buff shouldn't drop unless we stop damaging. Other than that, use it defensively to avoid death.
How It Works

The build has a heavy focus on buffing our Lightning Spears through the use of the aspect Splintering Energy, using the uniques Harlequin Crest damage further for Pit Pushing. Ball Lightning here is essentially a generator for our Unstable Currents to get out as many Lightning Spears as possible, which has a cap of 12.

We're also using Ice Blades because they can reduce our cooldowns and have a high chance of applying vulnerability, which is increased further through the use of the Aspect of Sredding Blades.

Be sure to read the buff given by Tal'Rasha and maintain its damage buff.

Potion: Attack Speed (or Life Potion for Orange Pit Pushing) Incenses: Soothing Spices, Reddamine Buzz, Sage's Whisper (Spiral Morning for Pit Pushing)

How to Teleport as fast as possible: Open your enchantment tab (press S on PC) and check your Teleport enchantment cooldown — it should be around 1.9 or 2.0 seconds in combat, thanks to Vex reducing it. To achieve this, you’ll need Greater Affix CDR on Shako and Tal Rasha, along with triple masterwork on both items. Don’t forget to triple masterwork evade cooldown on your boots as well if needed. Evade Cooldown Reduction should be around 57% (Amulet + Boots temper)

Boots Implicit : Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1,5 Seconds is mandatory on this build

[Orange Lightning Spear Variant]

  • Consume 4 potions to trigger the Xan Overpower Rune (if not using Temerity, you’ll need to take damage from enemies).
  • Optional for extra damage: Cast Ball Lightnings to gather Crackling Energy for Roaring Lightning Spear.
  • Wait 1 second and cast Lightning Spear and watch for the orange Overpower numbers!

Check out the Youtube Video here for more details.

[Orange Lightning Spear Pit Pushing Variant]

Check out the YouTube video here for more details on Pit Pushing.


  • 15/02 Updated Paragon and added Orange variant
  • 18/02 Updated Orange Pit Pushing Witchcraft and Aspect
  • 19/02 Replaced Aura Specialization with Hex of Flames in Orange Shockuna. This change allows for more effective pulls with Piranhado, and the damage boost from Aura Specialization wasn’t essential since our focus is on speed.
  • 23/02 Added Implicit on Boots Changed Paragon on Orange Pit Pushing Variant
  • 01/03 Changed Orange Pit Pushing setup : Paragon, Pants and Aspect on Boots

Build Link : All My Build :