Diablo 4 Sorcerer BuildDonTheCrown's Lightning Blender
This build is a fast-action, in your enemies face, low-cooldowns type of build. You'll be diving directly at enemies and sucking them into your Lightning Blender and applying massive damage and crowd control. This build is good for all content.
You'll be doing so much damage that you should hide the damage numbers so that you can actually see the game.

Build Notes
- When you see a group of enemies to engage cast one Ball Lightning then Teleport near them to draw them into a pile to do damage thanks to our Rainment of the Infinite. This will stun them for a time so activate Flame Shield to reduce our mana cost and immobilize nearby enemies so you can spam Ball Lightnings.
- Use Ice Blades, Teleport, and Lightning Spear aggressively as they will regain you mana thanks to Prodigy Aspect and Teleport's Mystic Teleport will increase the effect of Overflowing Energy.
- As you do damage to enemies make sure that you are moving around a bit to pickup Crackling Energy and to try and keep the bulk of your Ball Lightnings touching your enemies.
- Use you Ultimate, Unstable Currents, for even more damage output. Thankfully Overflowing Energy will reduce the cooldown of this skill dramatically so don't be afraid to use it on elite packs.
- For bosses, walk near the boss, activate Unstable Currents, and then alternate Ball Lightning casts with Ice Blades, Lightning Spear, and Teleport. Once you are ontop of the boss activate Flame Shield for the reduced mana cost and then pump Ball Lightnings. Make sure to apply Vulnerable by Evading through the enemy and try to rotate anti-clockwise around the boss as you pickup Crackling Energy and keep the majority of your Balls on them.
The Gravitational Aspect makes Ball Lightning rotate around our character and increases it's damage.
We recover mana from using our cooldowns, thanks to Prodigy Aspect, and from picking up Crackling Energy. Since each Ball Lightning should hit many times you should spawn two Crackling Energy for every Ball Lightning you cast.
Later on, Tibault's Will grants even more damage and mana regen whenever we gain Unstoppable. Note that this mana gain only occurs when you gain Unstoppable and will not happen if you refresh unstoppable.
Crackling Energy will zap nearby enemies but more importantly it will lower all our Shock Skill cooldowns due to our key passive Overflowing Energy.
Spam Ball Lightnings while trying to maintain 100+ Mana so that Elementalist Aspect grants us even more crit chance!
In-Depth Explanation
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