
Diablo 4 Rogue BuildShadow Step Sicario

Season 4
Boss Killer
Item Reliant
End Game
Hard to Play
Updated on May 13, 2024
Build Summary

Season 4 enables this build by giving us access to a lot of Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction and Damage, along with Lucky Hit Chance. We combine this with Victimize, which provides us with AoE damage, to create a truly insane build.

It is important to note that this is an endgame build that has a very high gear requirement to work as intended.

This build does not have a leveling version as it is an endgame only.

Huge credit goes to M1PY for thinking of the crazy build idea, creating a sheet to check its viability and theorycrafting it with me.

Early Endgame
Variant Summary

This is the most optimal setup.

Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board

This build focuses on unleashing Shadow Step's hidden potential.

Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Hectic AspectHelm
Umbrous AspectChest Armor
Frostbitten AspectGloves
Aspect of MightPants
Ravager's AspectBoots
Aspect of Concussive StrikesAmulet
Edgemaster's AspectRing 1
Aspect of RetributionRing 2
Aspect of SynergyRanged Weapon
Aspect of ElementsDual-Wield Weapon 1
Aspect of Inner CalmDual-Wield Weapon 2

We generally aim to maximize Cooldown Reduction to get our Shadow Step down to a 3-second cooldown or no cooldown with Disciplined Shadow Step.

We also aim to get to 85% Lucky Hit Chance, which means 100% with Alchemist's Fortune. This makes Shadow Step's Lucky Hit Chance 200%, resulting in a Victimize proc every single Shadow Step.

Use Daggers.

Ring 1Empty
Ring 2Empty

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop
  1. Cast Shadow Step on a Normal Monster to one shot it and activate Ravager's Aspect.
  2. Cast Cold Imbuement against Elites to increase your damage.
  3. Cast Caltrops if more damage will be needed.
  4. Cast Smoke Grenade on Elites to Daze them and get more damage.
  5. Cast Puncture to activate Tricks of the Trade and to make enemies Vulnerable.
  6. Cast Shadow Step on the Elite.
  7. Cast Death Trap to reset your other cooldowns if needed.
How It Works

This build combines two elements: Shadow Step and the Victimize Key Passive.

Shadow Step had two main problems in the past that were not allowing the skill to be used as a main damage skill:

  • Cooldown too high.
  • No AoE damage.

The Cooldown problem is solved with the inclusion of Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction and Mobility Skill Cooldown Reduction Temperings, along with the Masterworking system allowing us to focus on increasing the value of all Cooldown Reduction affixes. With good enough gear, we can achieve a 3 second Shadow Step Cooldown, which means Methodical Shadow Step lowers it down to 0.

Shadow Step can generate huge single-target hits with the addition of the Shadow Step Damage Tempering and Aspects such as Synergy or Ravager, but it lacks the capacity to do AoE damage; this is where Victimize enters the conversation. Victimize has a 50% chance on a Lucky Hit proc to create an AoE explosion whose damage is based on the value of the hit that created it. To make every Shadow Step do AoE damage, we need 100% Lucky Hit Chance on our character to make Shadow Step's LHC 200%. With enough gear this is possible.

The last missing piece of the puzzle is that Victimize used to be bugged and virtually do no damage but that has changed. It now not only does great damage with enough Vulnerable Damage on our Gear and Paragon -- up to 400% of the initial hit -- but it also double dips many of the damage multipliers Rogue has. This will be explained in a detailed section.

In-Depth Explanation

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