Diablo 4 Rogue BuildXarrio's Andariel Puncture/Flurry Build
Andariel's Visage Puncture Build is better than ever in Season 5. I'll teach you how this build POPS and how to use it to do ALL content in the game, including Hordes, High level pits, torment bosses and speed runs. I'll show you one of the best and fastest Andariel Build for Rogue that can compete with the best meta rogue builds out there in Season 5. I have cleared up to T130s Pit with it so far and can speed run T100's in under 2 minutes!
I'd recommend the Starter Build to begin with and then if you want, transition into the other variations when gear improves.
This build does ALL of its damage through the use of the Poison Nova Lucky Hit effect from Andariel's Visage. It is a key item in this build and must be used in the build for it to function properly.
This variant is what I would consider the standard build once you get Andariel's Helm. It is similar playstyle to season 4. It doesn't require any amount of stats to work and you can build up the character as you get better gear. This is the easiest variation to play. Once you get better gear, you can transition easily into Optimized, No flurry, Max Damage or Evade Speed variation if you want to try to push the character to its limits.

Puncture: Attacks very fast, hits 6 times per cast, procs Andariel's Visage a lot. Puts vulnerable on enemies.
Flurry: use to proc Close Quarter Combat buff and get an attack speed buff and teleport around to mobs
Smoke Grenade: 25% damage taken debuff on enemies
Shadow Step: Mobility and to remove crowd control effects
Shadow Imbue: Activate for a 12% dmg taken debuff on enemies
Caltrops: Gives a huge (up to 45%) more damage multiplier and more crit chance.
Specialization: Inner Sight This doesn't really matter much, but it is the only thing that does a little bit (extra crit)

Fists of Fate: All MW procs on LHC Andariel's: 2 MW Procs on Attack Speed and 1 MW proc on either LOH or Max Poison Resist
Alternative: Can change 1 Caltrops Duration to Elemental Surge Poison (about 10% dmg) on Weapons if you get a good roll (warning: hard to get)
See below "Resist Cap and Armor Cap" Section for options on how to cap these.
See the full video guide (coming soon) for explanations on gear and the FAQ below for common questions.

Easy to play
Can do all content in game easily
Great AOE dmg
Great Boss Killer
Fastest stagger in the game
Reliant on Conditional Dmg (enemies must be CC'd/Staggered to do good damage.)
Medium Survival (though can be built tankier with Tyrael's Might.)
Build Notes
Simple Rotation: 1. Flurry or Shadow Step to activate Close Quarters Combat 2. Spam puncture Puncture until Shadow Step comes back up or every 3 seconds when Flurry attack speed buff drops (if you need the attack speed)
Drop Caltrops, Poison Trap (if using), Smoke Grenade and activate Shadow Imbue and Potion for more damage as needed.
Advanced Rotation For Pushing/Boss Stagger 1. Activate Shadow Imbue before engaging (if using) 2. Walk up to pack, drop Caltrops 3. Flurry or Shadowstep to an elite/pack 4. Poison Trap (if using) , Smoke Grenade , and use Potion (to activate Unstable Elixir) Repeat as Shadow Step comes back to keep up CQC.
Evade Speed Variation Rotation 1. Shadow step and Puncture to activate CQC 2. Evade to pull mobs together and proc andariel's (Shroud of Khanduras and metamorph can both proc andariel's for big damage) 3. Puncture to reset evade CD as needed 4. Evade when able and Shadow Step off cooldown
Andariel's Visage:
This build does ALL of its damage through the poison nova explosionp from Andariel's Visage. We take lots of attack speed, lucky hit chance and damage multipliers in order to maximize our proc rate of Andariel's.
Crowd Control:
The main thing to know about this build is that you will pretty much only do damage when a monster is in a crowd control effect or a boss is staggered. If a mob is unstoppable (chains about their head) or a boss is not staggered, our damage drops significantly due to not activating most of our multipliers during this time as well as not having our additive crowd control dmg % active.
With that in mind, we have 2 things that help us significantly with this. 1. Shared Misery + Random CC from Fists of Fate. This will pretty much instantly crowd control entire groups of mobs for us. 2. We stagger bosses very fast with all of our crowd control (stun/freeze/slow/dazes)
Variations I'd recommend reading the build variation descriptions to learn about the differences between them, but I'd recommend the starter build and then the optimize build for most content in the game. The no flurry variation is a new fun playstyle that does more damage, but is a little harder to play/build. The evade speed variation is a very unique playstyle with lots of dashing/speed.
In-Depth Explanation
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