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Diablo 4 Rogue BuildHeartseeker Reborn S6 S-TIER 1-60 Victimize Build - Full Progression

Season 6
Boss Killer
Speed Farm
Updated on Oct 25, 2024
5.4 KFavorites
Build Summary

This build is an absolutely JOY to play. Victimize got changed a lot since we first had the chance to play it, demanding rethinking of how this build is going to be played. Easy double dipping is gone. BUT if you want a strong, very easy to play build, you have found your match!

1-60 | 200 paragon
60 | 200 | No Uniques
60 | 200 | Uniques
60 | 250 paragon | Ubers
60 | MAX paragon | Ubers
Assigned Skills
Skill Tree
Paragon Board

We use Inner Sight for 25% additional critical strike chance.

Aspects & Uniques
Gear Stats
Hectic AspectHelm
Juggernaut's AspectChest Armor
Aspect of Explosive VerveGloves
Aspect of MightPants
Wind Striker AspectBoots
Rapid AspectAmulet
Aspect of Iron RainRing 1
Aspect of RetributionRing 2
Aspect of Arrow StormsRanged Weapon
Vengeful AspectDual-Wield Weapon 1
Aspect of Accursed TouchDual-Wield Weapon 2

This setup is strictly for lvling!! You will exchange quite a few aspects and items as well as change the skilltree to a more fitting setup once you get to 60 and progress through the tiers.

Use Tempering to exchange Dodge for Resistances to combine this with Gems to cap your resistances! You should be cap Armor and Resistance before venturing into Tormented Difficulties or while you are in T1.

If you happen to find Luckyhit: Chance to make Enemies Vulnerable, use it instead of Aspect of Accursed Touch. You can then slot in Aspect of True Sight or Aspect of Inner Calm for more dmg. Later, this will become mandatory, but during lvling you probably won´t be able to find it.

Active Runes
CemRune of Ritual
GarRune of Invocation
NocRune of Ritual
QuaRune of Invocation
SkullRing 1
SkullRing 2
Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Extremely Fast
  • No Ressource Management
  • SImple to play
  • Very Tanky
  • Incredible Damage
  • Very little visual clutter


  • Hectic
  • Visually simple

Build Notes

Gameplay Loop

Gameplay strategy during leveling

  1. Cast Heartseeker. Delete.
  2. Cast Caltrops to apply a trap effect, stacking dmg buff and get away from enemies.
  3. Cast Smoke Grenade to trigger Daze and apply the dmg buff.
  4. Chug a Health Potion to apply the new Unstable Elixiers Passive. (more dmg)
  5. Dash for mobility.
  6. Shadowclone for dmg (No Witness) and for the added benefit of Unstoppable.
  7. Evade for more dmg (more multiplier). Boss Burst

Caltrops -> Dash through boss -> Smoke Grenade -> Heartseeker Spam Caltops refresh its duration once you use new ones but reset the buff! So you don´t want to exchange them.

What Weapon should I use?

Bow as well as Swords. Crossbows can be more dmg at low vulnerable values, but the additional attackspeed is so good for bows.

How It Works

The build is based on the Victimize Keystone, which was changed with Season 6. It now does not benefit from inheriting anything from the initial skill that made it proc, instead we are looking at a proc with its own tags. Despite that, we are still going to rock everything with ease!

Defenses are taken care of by stacking Dark Shroud on crit, also on a lucky hit proc. This will result in occasional 70-80% DR with high end gear. S5 put a cooldown of 1.5 sec on it, so its not permanent anymore. However, it is still incredible.

Additional mobility helps us survive with Caltrops, Dash, and Evade allowing you to dodge basically any dmg coming your way. If something hits you, it will be heavily mitigated by Dark Shroud. Additional Dodge Chance will prevent even more dmg from hitting your prestine face.

Caltrops as well as Smoke Grenade are both massive dmg amplifiers. Applying those two is mandatory for this build to deal good dmg.

Leveling is also a joy, with a special twink setup, letting you blast through everything in barely 4h of gametime. Or just get boosted through pits in 15min flat.

In-Depth Explanation

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