Diablo 4 Necromancer BuildKripp's Mendeln Summoner - Season 7
Minion Necro has been buffed in Season 7 as their tags now all work, and all minion damage is first player damage so every scaler works properly!
Tricky mechanics:
- Mendeln does damage based on YOUR weapon, not the source, so a Skeleton will proc for the same damage as a Golem!
- "Golem Hits Twice" or similar Tempers or Shadow Mage multi-attack - do NOT work on Mendeln procs (this is why Grandfather is best)
- "Great Feast" Aspect - only costs Essence once you have enough for a single tick, you can cast plenty while on low Essence! It must be used on the Amulet or Weapon slot to double its cost however

20% Critical Strike Chance
20% Lucky Hit Chance
20% Movement Speed
2 to Core Skills
Maximum Life
Ranks to Golem Mastery
Defensive: Total Armor Worldly Endurance
Utility: Corpse Tendrils Size Profane Innovation
Maximum Life
Ranks to Skeletal Mage Mastery
Offensive: Critical Strike Damage Worldly Finesse
Utility: Soulrift Duration Decay Innovation
Critical Strike Chance
Ranks to Curse Skills
Ranks to Golem Mastery
Ranks to Hellbent Commander
Maximum Life
Ranks to Skeletal Warrior Mastery
Mobility: Movement Speed Natural Motion
Utility: Corpse Tendrils Size Profane Innovation
Ranks to Hellbent Commander
Ranks to Death's Embrace
Resource: Golem Active Cooldown Reduction Necromancer Efficiency
Offensive: Critical Strike Damage Worldly Finesse
Maximum Life
Attack Speed
Offensive: Critical Strike Damage Worldly Finesse
Resource: Golem Active Cooldown Reduction Necromancer Efficiency
Minion Attack Speed
Ranks to Skeletal Warrior Mastery, Skeletal Mage Mastery, and Golem Mastery
150 All Stats
20 Maximum Resource
300% Damage

Super strong leveling build
One of the best all-around builds start to finish, from level 1 to high tier Pit
Won't scale to Pit 150
Build Notes
- use Bone Golem to create corpses in strategic spot
- use Corpse Tendrils to group up larger packs of monsters in that spot
- Soulrift on cooldown
- Curse Decrepify
- Keep up Skeleton Priest at all times
- Blight high health enemies for 20% extra damage
- spam Blight to help stagger bosses faster
Ring of Mendeln damages a fairly small area around each minion's 6th auto attack. This makes stacking attack speed and minion count crucial to maximizing DPS.
Grandfather is a luxury option. For most of your characters journey, use a legendary 2-handed Scythe with Corpse Tendrils Aspect in order to easily cap critical strike chance. The Weapon Temper on it doesn't matter much, golem or mage will do. Your extra aspect should be Frenzied Dead.
Cursed Aura Aspect makes the build much easier to play. Use it instead of Heir of Perdition before you acquire one. After you get an Heir, you can swap out Hardened Bones Aspect for it for faster clearing. If you have Cursed Aura Aspect, you can swap the curse on your action bar to Reap for bonus damage reduction and attack speed.
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