Diablo 4 Druid BuildWind Daddy - Wind Shear
This build is based on the Aspect of the Calm Breeze dealing a massive amount of poison damage, we are double casting Wind Sheer with the Weapon tempering. This is a basic attack build and we do not utilize Core Skills.
Base version low gear requirments

Great Single Target
Best leveling build (use leveling build page)
Low gear requirments, easy to setup
Weaker AOE than other builds
Build Notes
- Activate Debilitating Roar.
- Activate Blood Howl.
- Apply your damage by casting Wind Sheer, it also reset your cooldowns.
- Use Bulwark when CC'd.
- Always keep your distance.
- use your Wolves to tank bosses for you.
Tempering will allow us to cast Wind Sheer twice, utilising our Aspect of the Calm Breeze we can apply a silly amount of poison damage.
I have added various Aspect and Temperings to the build that will CC and spread it to other targets, this should work extremely well with Creeping Death. The Idea is to perma cc our enemies while dotting them for millions of damage.
We utilize the Hectic Aspect to restore the cooldown of Debilitating Roar this skill is our second line of defense and also a great way to heal and fortify ourselves.
In terms of damage, you'd be surprised by how potent our Aspects and multipliers are. The Basic Attack Aspects and the legendary node Thunderstruck are incredibly overturned and really pump the damage to another level.
In-Depth Explanation
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